17 martie 2020

In Wahiba Sands( Sharqiya) with my family.

How I promis to you I will give you the route How to take from Muscat to Wahiba Sands.  Follow the Muscat- Sur in land route to the turn-off for  Al Mintarib 36km south  of Ibra or 52 km  noth of Al Kamil. Turn  off  at the  juction  by the Shell petrol station  and head  towards the town. After that,  at the four way  juction  2.3 km from the petrol station, go straight. You will see soon pass an old fort on the right. Turn  right at the T-juction immediately after this fort.
At the end of the paved are signs for Al Raha Tourist Camp. Proceed with caution  on the main track  heading into the sands, and remember to deflate your tyres in you leave the packed trall. Past  the Al Raha Tourist Camp, the main track continues and eventually peteres out. It is approximatelly 170 km to reach the southern edge of the sands.
Although Oman is 82% desert and sand dunes, this is the only route, which is mostly dunes. You will get chance to practise your sand driving skills here, and the entrance to the Wahiba Snds near Al Mintarib is a great place to do so. The terrain is relatively gentle and there are lots of people nearby just in case if you get stuck.
Your time in the Wahiba  Sands may very from  a few hours of dune bashing  to a complete traverse lasting to a complete lasting a few days-it's all up to you.
In this beautiful trip, we enjoyed to much. This time the conditions were good compared to last time, but the prices also varied.
There were pleasant moments where we had fun and really felt good at the fire. The outside was cold especially at night and in the morning, and the day was warm. In the two days spent in the desert, we charged our batteries for 2 weeks with positive energy. Spending time with family was my most beautiful desert experience
 January 2019

In desert with my family in Wahiba (Sharqiya) Sands

Sand dunes and large open spaces( with the occasional sighting) are the essence of Arabia, and what better place to experience this combination than the Wahiba Sands. Whether you spend an hour here, or a few days, the landscape  is unike any other covered us.
A masterpiece of nature, the Wahiba Sands in the eastern Sharqiyah region  is one of the most popular  destinations in Oman, particularly during the winter months. It is perfect and complete getaway, offering the unique opportunity of spreding time with Bedouin who have inhabited the sandy expanse for centuries.
We came in Wahiba Sands with the family in begining of february 2018, in Budiya desert camp. We rent the camp for 2 nights by 150 riali omani. We brought  with us food, water, clothes, mattresses and persoanl belongings.

We made the 2 days spent in the desert interesting with fun games and spent with the family the most beautiful moments of our life. Each time we spent together made us have beautiful memories with family. We rented a motobike for an hour, which costs 5 rials / per h. For the first time we gave ourselves and had fun. It was an adrenaline rush. We need adrenaline to move passionate blood. The conditions were simple and not luxurious.
If you want to visit Oman to enjoy in Budiya I wil give you  the route from Muscat to Al Wasil and Bidiya. 
The sands, which  can be accessed from diffrent points, mainly Al Wasil and Bidiya, stretch 180 kms from north to south and 80 kms from est to west and are fringed by oases and coastal fishing villages with their beautiful  date palm  plantations giving spledind contrast to the magnificent desert dunes which can reach  heighst of 80 metres. Crossing the desert from north to south or vice versa and driving on the coast between the desert and the Arabian  Sea is an  unrivalled experience. A trip to the  Wahiba  Sands will give you and insight into the lifestyle of Bedouins who are at ease driving 4WD pick-ups and using mobile phone yet still continue, in many cases, to live huts, traditionally made from date palm fronds. If you are there soon  after rain, you can see them move their camp and livestock to places with fresh  pasture. In the company of Bedouin  guides, you can get  a closer look at the desert itself, meet  Bedouin families and join them for traditional meal or arseeyeah, mashed rice and lamb or goat meat.
If you want souvenirs, you can  buy authentic Bedouin handicrafts and overnight stay can always  be arranged

February 2018

15 octombrie 2019

O călătorie minunată pe muntele Jebel Shams (mountain of sun) zis şi muntele soarele

Asta prima calatorie calatorie pe care am avut-o in anul 2007 pe muntele Jebel Shams. 4 august in 2017 am avut o calatorie minunata cu familia pe muntele Jebel Shams, prima data pun piciorul in zona aceea minunta.

Nu am mai fost intr-acolo niciodata, dar nu o voi uita niciodata aceasta minunta calatorie. Dupa ce am ajuns acolo inca nu-mi putea sa-mi revin inca. Am ramas cu impresii minunata. Ceva nou, schimbare, experienta si o atmosfera si un piesaj magnific.

A fost o surpriza pentru mine, cand am fost anuntata ca v-om pleca intr-o drumetie. Am fost intrebata daca vreau sa ma alatur si eu. Eu nici nu m-am gandit prea mult, si am dat foc la ghete.

Daca stau acasa, ma voi plectisi si voi pierde ceva unic, daca merg sa vad ceva nou, unde nu am fost niciodata si nu sti-am daca voi merge vreodata. Asa ca m-am pregatit pentru aceasta calatorie. Am fost echipati cu curaj si multa buna voie.

Era o dimineata calduroasa de vara, acolo sus era racoare si ploua deseori. Am luat-o la nord de Muscat catre Nizwa. In Nizwa am mai fost, dar acolo nu. Drumul era lung si interesant sa priveste toate privelestea care te inconjoara. Soarele se juca cu noi de-a v-ati ascunselea printre nori mari si pufosi.
Muntele Jebel Shams, este mai inalt munte in Oman, cu atitudine de 3009 m, 9872 ft inaltime. Muntele este numit si "muntele soare" localizat la nord de orasul Hamra.
Cand am ajuns sus la inaltime a inceput sa ploua si sa bata vantul tare ca nici nu puteai vedea in zare ceva. Drumul era anevoios si impracticabil. Nu puteai sa iesi afara sa te bucuri de privelistea de afara. Dar totusi era frumos, locuri noi si minunate.

Nu puteam sa stam afara sa faceam poze, ca ploua si batea vantul tare.

Calatorie prin Oman. Travel -Journey through Oman

30 ianuarie 2019

Amazing days in Dubai

De multe ori am vizitat Dubaiul, şi niciodată nu m-am gândit să scriu despre el, despre locurile pe care le-am vizitat, şi despre locurile în care nu au fost descoperite încă de mine, dar aşteaptă să să fie descoperite. După părerea mea, mai este ce să vezi în Dubai şi UAE.
Dar voi începe cu cea mai recentă călătorie pe care am avut anul trecut  la început de luna Decembrie 2015 cu familia mea, la număr de 10 persoane.
Sincer pentru o asfel de călătorie trebuie să ai pregătit un buget bunicel, pentru a plăti pentru cazare, mâncare şi pentru cheltuieli de zi cu zi. Noroc că noi am avut unde să stăm şi nu a trebuit să stăm pe la hoteluri, că ne-ar ieşi mais scump.

La început de luna Decembrie anului trecut, am petrecut cu familia, cele mai frumoase 4 zile în Dubai. Prima dată când am fost în Dubai, a fost un vis să călătoresc în Emiratele Arabei Unite, şi încă aceste vis nu s-a terminat, încă continuă. Visul nu se mai termină, se începe cu ceva nou şi interesant, cu personaje noi şi cu locuri magnifice care poţi să le vizitezi oricând.

Dacă vrei să vezitezi şi să te distrezi, îţi recomand multe parcuri de distracţie, dar şi locuri în care nu am fost niciodată, dar aş vrea să le văd numai decât.

 Prima zi în Dubai. 2 Decembrie 2015. După o noapte obositoare şi cu un drum lung spre Dubai, începe  ziua cu o călătorie  a cunoaşterii prin muzeu.

16 aprilie 2018

Book Review: Anthology of Islamic Literature " From the Rise of Islam to Modern Times" by James Kritzeck

For a long time, I didn't write in my blog. I want to write something intersting to share with you.  But for a long time, I want to read a book from Arab Literature.  I had lucky to found Anthology of Islamic Literature " From  the Rise of Islam to Modern Times". I was intersted to read the Anthology of Islamic Literature "From the Rise of Islam to Modern Times" Scripture, Prose, Proverbs, and Drama-Selected, Edited and Introduced by James Kritzeck, it publised 1964.
The author James Kritzeck is talking and describes each chapter separately.
Two of the most popular examples of Islamic Literature known to the  West are the  Rubaiyat of Umar Khayyam and the "Arabian Nights". Yet in the Islamic world these works considered inferior when compared to the cost body of Islamic Literature.
Anthology of Islamic Literature presents a representative and rich sampling of some thirteen centuries of great Islamic Literature. More than forty selection span the  period from the rise of Mohammed and the Age of Cliphs(632- 1050) to the new world of Islam, which was inaugurated in 1350 by such master poets and chroiclers as Hafiz, Ibn Battutah, and Ibn Khaldun. The book closes  with Mughal poetry of India and Ottoman poetry at the end of the eighteenth century.

James Krittzeck provides a general introduction in which he outlines, briefly, the history of Islamic Literature. He discusses the various translations that have come down  to us,  and he speaks of the connections between poetry and prose throughout Islamic Literature. In addittion , each of the works is provided with  an introduction that enables the reader to place the work in its proper historical perspective.
In recent years considerable number of masterpieces of Islamic literature have individually displayed their merits through translation into  Western  languages, but few of them  have become widely known.
The term" Islamic literature"requires and explanation, if not and apology. Islam  is not the name of a language or group of languages. It is  the name of religion, the religion often but offensively called Mohammedanism, which was instituted in Arabia in the seventh century of our era and which today enjoys the adherence of nearly four hundred million  persons calling themselves Muslims, approximately one-seventh of the total estimate population of the earth.

Islamic culture is unquestionably one of the grater cultures in the history of mankind and of the world today. Within Islamic culture, many ancient cultures have found a species of imortality; to it, many peoples, including non Muslims, have  contributed; from it, many ideas and other benefits have radiated to  other cultures, including especially our own. Visually it is  represented by many beautiful  monunments, from  the Alhambra in Spania to the Taj Mahal in India, from the crumbling domes of Samarkand to the rising domes of Kano.

Islamic literature can be, and usually is, subdvided according to languages. Principal among them are Arabic, Persian and Turkis; but Berber, Hause, Swahili, Somali, Albanian, Kurdish, Uzbeck, tadjick, Pashto, Baluchi, Urdu, Panjabi, Bengali,Gajarati, Sindhi, Telugu, Tamil, Malay, Javanese,Cham, and good many others must pe added. Many of these languages have nothing, linguistically speacking, in common.
None of the three translation is really outstanding. In this anthology, a new and, I firmly believe, better translation has provided. It is regrattable that the same thing cannot be said for all of the  selections.
In fact, there are many grwat works of Islamic literature which have not yet been  translated at all, and that is more the pity.