I like to share with you dear readers.
- What would you like to be remembered for? You have to evolve yourself and shape your life. You should write it on a page and that maybe a very important page in the book of human history.
- Encourge all children to dream for themselves. Unless they have dreams they will not be motivated to attain them.
- The dream-thought action philosophy is what. I would like to be inculcated in each and very student.
- Creativity is seeing the same thing as everybody else, but thinking of out the box solutions.
- Quality leaders are like magnets, they attract the best people.
- Creative leadership is exercising the task to change the traditional role from commander to mentor, from director to delegator and from one who demands respect to one who facilitates self-respect.
- It is not a disgrace to not reach the stars, but it is a digrace to have no stars to reach for.
- A great book is a source of great knowledge and wealth for many generation.
- Dream, dream, dream. Your dreams will transform into thoughts lead to honest work. Work will result in actions. And you will succeed.
- Success is possible only when we have a commitment to action.
- While moral leadership requiers people to do the right things, entrepreneurial leadership requires people to acquire the habit of doing things right.
- Connectivity is strength Conectivity is wealth. Connectivity is progress.
- With determined efforts you can can always succeed against established beliefs.
- Always be ready to walk the unexplored path.
- Agreat mind and a great heart go together
- You will be rembered for creating a page in the history of the nation
- The whole universe is friendly to us and conspires to give the best to those who dream and work
- Enlightened citizenship has three components: education with value system, religion transforming into spiritual force, and creating economic prosperity through development.
- One cannot stop at thinking and asking questions. There is need to act to solve the problems and that requires hard work and perseverance.
- Creativity and imagination of the human mind would always be superior to any computer.
- Education is an endless journey through knowledge and enlightenment.
- Can we make an education system which will retain the smiles on the faces of our children?
- It is through the process of innovation that knowledge is converted into wealth
- Beautiful minds are the source of creativity
- Creativity is the foundation of human thinkin and will always be at the highest end of the value chain.
- Learning gives creativity. Creativity leads to thinking. Thinking provides knowledge. Knowledge makes you great.
- Every mind is creative, every mind is inquisitive
- The precious asset of a contry is the skill, ingenuity and imagination of its people.
- Thinking is progress. Non-thinking is destruction. Thinking leads to action.
- Knowledge without action is useless and irrelevant. Knowledge with action brings prosperity.
- What was thought impossible has happened and what is thought possible has not yes happened but it certainly will happen.
- The education system has a tremendous responsibility to transform a child into a leader the transformation from " What can you do for me" to What can I do for you".
- Conscience is a great ledger where our offences are booked and registered
- The most important part of education is to imbibe among the students the spirit of " we can do it"
- Hard work and pereseverence are beautiful angeles who will reside on your shoulders
- An ignited mind is the most powerful resource on the earth, above the earth and under the earth
- The three key societal members who can make a difference are father, mother and teacher
- Once taught, children become conscience keepers
- Education and values imparted in childhood are more important than the education received in college and university
- In society we have to build righeousness among all its constituents
- The twenty-first century is about the management of all the knowledge and information we have generated and the value addition that we can bring to it
- Science and spiritualism seek the same divine blessing for doing for for the people
- Enlightened leadership is all about empowerment
- In whatever field we work, we have to remain in the service of the common man whose well being is central to all human knowledge and endeavour
- Our righteous toil is our guiding light. If we work hard we all can prosper. Nurture great thoughts rise up in actions in actions. May righteous methods be our guide
- Teachers themselves should be lifelong learners
- Avirtuous man alone can use the instrument of conscience
- A belive there is no other profession in the world that is more important to society than that of a teacher.
- A teacher's life lights many lamps
- What matters in this life more than winning for ourselves is helping others win.
- A teacher has to create a lifelong autonomous learner
- Teachers have a great mission to ignite the minds of the young
- When a leader empowers the people, such leaders are created who can change the course of the nation itself
- Coming into contact with a good book and possessing it is an everlasting enrichment of life
- Give one hour a day exclusively for book reading and in a few years you will become a knowledge centre
- Science is all about asking questions and finding the right answers through hard work and research into laws of nature
- Music is great communication and language can never be a barrier
- Keep asking questions till you get satisfactory answers
- Authors act as conscience keepers of the society
- Music and dance can be used as an instrument for ensuring global peace and act as a binding force
- The crowning glory of a nation is its thinkers
- It is the privilege of authors that they can help mankind endure adversities and succeed in life.
- Learning needs freedom to think and freedom to imagine, and both have to be facilitated by the teacher.
- Music and dance elevate you a different plane altogether and give you a breeze of happiness and peace.
- A combination of knowledge, enthusiasm and hard work of the youth is a great dynamic fire for transforming the nation.
- Literature elevates the mind.
- Strenght respects strength
- All of us have to work hard and do everything possible to make our behaviour civilized to protect the rights of every individual.
- Repeating what we did before for several decades with more of the same may not be the way to proceed further.
- Science is the best boon that God has bestowed upon mankind
- At the frontier, there are no borders
- Art helps to bring out the beauty of life in its noblest forms, imparting meaning and depth to human existence, justifying and vindicating the purpose for which life was evolved.
- Enlightened spiritual and scientific leaders all converge towards giving reverence to human life.
- Each one of us on this planet creates a page in human history irrespective of who her or she is. I realise my experience is a small dot in human history, but that dot has a life and light.
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