"Scriitorul adevarat este un om singur.Şi, pe masură ce creşte în ochii celorlalţi, se confundă tot mai mult în sigurătate. Iar dacă este suficient de bun,în fiecare zi este nevoit să se confrunte cu eternitatea sau cu absenţa ei. Pentru un scriitor adevărat,fiecare carte este un nou început, o nouă încercare de a atinge ceva care rămâne mereu de neatins.Misiunea lui este de a merge pe căi ce n-au mai fost umblate sau de a izbuti acolo unde alţii au dat greş...." Ernest Hemingway
28 februarie 2021
Recenzie de carte: John C. Maxwell „Toată lumea comunică puțini conectați”. Ce fac diferit cei mai eficienți oameni "
21 februarie 2021
Book Review : John C. Maxwell " Everyone Communicates Few Connect ". What the Most Effective People Do Differently"
Book Review : John C. Maxwell " Everyone
Communicates Few Connect ". What
the Most Effective People Do Differently"
I want to recommend you an interesting book that will
help you discover yourself, but also connect with yourself and those around
When I started reading this book, I understood one thing.
First of all you have to have a connection with yourself then you have to have
a connection with God, and last but not least you have to have a connection
with those around you. But that's what I'll talk about at the end.
The first connection is to know yourself, to know your
dreams, to respect yourself, to love yourself, to let your dreams come true.
Forgive yourself, be better with yourself.
You need to know yourself and see what you like. Listen to
the soul and the heart, more precisely the intuition.
A second connection is the connection with God. It is the
most important relationship in your life. He is our creator, he protects us,
loves us and accepts us as we are. He is everything, he gives us everything,
life, health and death. One day he will judge us by our deeds.
And finally there
is the connection with those around us, family, friends, co-workers and large
groups of people. Here I will talk in more detail. It's something to talk
about. It is a book that you can discover yourself and others around us.
It made me understand better than to connect with others
you have to learn to connect with yourself.
If you want to be successful, you need to learn how to
really communicate with others.
What’s secret? Connecting! If you want to succeed, you
must learn how to connect with others. Connecting is key. If you want to have
an advantage in working with people, you need to learn to connect!
I am convinced
that I can help you to learn to connect with people. The book will teach you
the 5 principles that are functional for
understanding how to connect with people. And the second part, you will
learn five practices that anyone can do to connect with others regardless of
age, experience or natural ability. Learning
to connect with the people can change your life.
If you want to be effective in any area of life, connecting with people, you can
learn to become even better at it. And if you haven’t previously tried with others, you will be astounded by how it can change your life.
Important to start with your attitude. The ability to
connect with others begins with understanding
the value of people.
I needed more than courage to change things –I needed
connecting skills. No matter what your goals are, connecting can help you.
Connecting with
others may not be a matter of life or
death for most of us, but it often is a
matter of success or failure. I think the further along in life we get, the more aware we become of the
importance of connecting with the others. People are eager to connect with
others, and most will do anything they can to feel connected.
If you want to have an advantage in working with the
people, you need to learn to connect.
There is first steps to help you to learn the principles
behind connecting with others:
By focusing on others;
Expanding your connecting vocabulary just words;
Marshalling your energy for connecting;
Gaining insight in how great connectors connect;
Then You will help you acquire the practical skills of
Finding common
Making your communication simple;
Capturing people’s interest
Inspiring them, and being authentic.
These are things anyone can learn to do.
Connecting is the ability to identify with the people and
relate to them in a way that increase
your influence with them. The number one criteria for advancement and promotion for professionals is an ability to communicate
If you concentrated
on two areas: learning to write
and to speak before an audience. Nothing
in life is more important than the ability to communicate effectively. Talent isn’t enough. Experience isn’t enough
to lead others, you must to be able to communicate well,
and connecting is key.
Of course, connecting isn’t just for leaders. It is for
anyone who desires to be more effective at what he or she does or enjoy better
relationship. When you connected with others, you positions yourself to make
most of your skills and talents.
God grant us the serenity to accept the things we can
not change, courage to change the things
we can, and wisdom to know the difference. There were things I
could change but didn’t know how to change. To communicate effectively and to
lead others, you have to take
initiative. You have to be proactive.
This is someone who understands success . I like him. But
there’s more to it than that he really understands me. He knows what I believe.
Understands what I’m thinking. He knows what I feel. He can help me. I would
love to be his friend. I already feel like
he’s my friend. I was trying to
go ahead by correcting others when I should have been trying to connect with others.
Connecting is never about me. It’s about the person with
whom I’m communicating. You are trying
to connect with the people, it’s not about you, it’s about them. Maturity is
the ability to see and act on behalf of
others. Immature people don’t see things from someone else point of view. They rarely
concern themselves with what’s best for others. In many
ways, they act like small children. We recognize that part of the parenting process is helping
children understand that they are not
the center of the universe .
I can tell a lot of about this book, but I prefer to
leave you to discover this interesting book which I recommended for you to read it. You will find things which
you will learn to connect with people and with yourself.
Now, I want to tell you my conclusion about this book,
what can you do with the talent you have ? Whatever is in you can be put to better use
if you learn to connect with the
people. You can learn to increase your
influence in every situation because
connecting is more skill than
natural talent. And you can learn
to do it. So start to taking steps. Embrace the connecting principles. Start using the connecting practices. And do something positive in your corner of the world.
World renowned leadership expert and bestselling author
John. C. Maxwell says if you want to be an effective leader, you must to learn
how to connect with the people. While it may seem like some folks are just born
with a commanding presence that draws people in the fact is anyone can learn to
communicate in ways that consistently build powerful connections.
Everyone Communicates, Few Connect, helps you succeed by revealing Maxwell’s
Five Principles and Five Practices to develop this crucial skill of connecting, including:
finding common ground, keeping your communication
simple, capturing people’s interest, inspiring people, and staying authentic in
all your relationships. Your ability to achieve results in any organization be
it a company, church, nonprofit, or even in your family is directly tied to the
leadership skills in your toolbox. Connecting is an easy to learn skill you can apply today in your personal,
and family to start living your best life.
14 februarie 2021
A cup of water at the nursing home - the end of the dramatic text.
While the guests were inside, what was supposed to be happening was happening outside. One by one, all the elders went out to the asylum, only one Santa Claus was missing. It was announced, but he didn't notice what the elders wanted to do. He felt that what they were doing was pointless. No one will notice, the old man thought in his room.
Each old man had a placard: What did Thieves write outside the asylum !! He has nothing to do with criminals and thieves in our asylum.
After the elders all left, Elizaveta Ivanovna was left alone. He was preparing his placard, and suddenly he saw an envelope under the door. Inside was an anonymous letter, but on the envelope with her name on it. Nobody opened the door. Close the door, open the envelope. It was a letter, the message was addressed to her. The content of the message sounds like this: I'm with you, move on with what you started. Today we will expose thieves and criminals. The evidence is against them. Respectfully An old man!
Elizaveta Ivanovna was wondering who could send this message. Who knows what they are going to do? Who is this old man? Maybe Santa Claus, who? I don't know anyone who is against Sofia N and Vera Alexandrovna. When he read the letter again, he calmed down a little. She was glad she was supported and had evidence.
An old man came and called her out. She expressed relief and satisfaction on her face.
The old man: Come on, Elizaveta Ivanovna! That we have already organized, everything is ready! We are no longer waiting for you!
Elizaveta Ivanovna: Yes! Let's go! We must be ready to protest !!
The two came out confident in their own strength to fight for truth and justice.
Suddenly the group started shouting at the sight of the guests and the 2 women who came out on the terrace of the asylum.
The elders shouted loudly to be heard even better. Raise the placards. These give them even more power to move on.
The voice of the old protesters.
Thieves! Thieves !! Thieves! Out of charlatans, criminals. Thieves! With the two of you out, for stealing from us, for wanting to kick us out !! Out with you !! Outside!
One was in unison, everyone was shouting. They were all together, they were a team. At that time, the elders were a team to support each other. Together they felt a power, a force, which gave them an impulse to move on.
Thieves !! Thieves !! Criminals! Out with you. We don't need thieves in the asylum! To get us out of the asylum. This is our house, we pay from our humble pension to live here. Outside!! Outside!! The elders shouted with all their might.
While the elders shouted.
Mr. Filipescu: Sofia N, why are the old people shouting? Those with this protest? Since I've known myself, I've never seen anything like it? Sofia N, what's going on here? Who wants to fire them? Who steals the money, who are the criminals?
Sofia N didn't know what to say. Suddenly she doesn't want to be emotionally blackmailed. He's doing it wrong.
Sofia N: I don't know what old people want either. I don't understand what's happening to them either. The whole week went by normally and quietly, and now suddenly it was as if someone had bitten them. Some crazy fly. I don't understand what's with them? What happened to them? Let me talk to them now?
At one point Sofia N shouted at them. Trying to calm them down to find out what's going on and why they're protesting ?!
Sofia N: What's going on here?
The noisy crowd booed Sofia Nikolaevna.
Sofia N: Those of you, don't you understand? You don't see that we have guests. Finish and enter the asylum immediately. Don't be ashamed that you have reached old age and are making noise and agitation. What do you want once? (with an authoritative voice)
The agitated crowd protesting even louder is not noticing. The focus was on the guests.
Sofia Nicolaevna, ignoring the crowd, did not pay attention to them. Speaking in the direction of Mr. Filipescu.
Sofia N: Mr. Filipescu, don't pay attention to them, they have already reached that age when old people get senile in their heads, they have sclerosis completely forgotten. Don't you pay attention to them ?! I'm telling you, there's no problem here, no murders have been committed, and I'm not going to fire them. It was misunderstood.
(Sofia N, says to the audience) Let the bastards show me to you when they leave. What do you want to kick me out of? Never, never hear. Nobody kicks Sofia N. You bastards, too, let me show you. Humble me like this. Don't let these bastards go, and I'll show you.
I'm starving you for a week to teach you mind with Sofia N not to wear. That you will not have a peaceful old age.
Mr. Filipescu: Sofia N, I think they have a reason to protest, don't you think ?! They certainly didn't come out in front of us for the sake of protesting.
He's doing the stupid thing.
Sofia N: I don't think they would have reason to shout and protest, we just give them good conditions and they are dissatisfied.
Gavriluţă: I don't think they came out for the sake of protesting either, I agree with Mr. Filipescu ?!
Sofia N: What do you know Gavriluţă?
Gavriluţă was silent, looked at Mr. Filipescu and agreed that he should be silent.
Sofia Nikolaevna was even angrier with the old people, she couldn't stand it anymore when she saw that the whole plan was going on Saturday's water.
Elders continued to protest.
Down with the Thieves !! Down with the Thieves !! Down with the Thieves !! Out with you thieves, you steal our food and treat us like garbage. Out with you !!
Scene 5
While the elders were protesting, Elizaveta Ivanova asked an old man next to her what she was protesting out loud.
Elizaveta Ivanovna asked the old man.
Elizaveta Ivanovna: I don't see Santa Nichifor, do you know where he is ?!
The old man: He's in his room. Did not come!
Elizaveta Ivanovna: Why?
Old man: I don't know. I called him out to protest. But he did not want to come.
Elizaveta Ivanovna: What was the motivation for not wanting to come? He told you.
The old man: But he didn't say anything. He was silent! I saw he didn't answer me. Then I left him and left the room. I saw he didn't really want to talk.
Elizabeth I: Good to leave him in the Lord's reward !! Maybe he'll get out of his room somehow. When he sees old people protesting.
Elizaveta Ivanovna, less interested in Santa Claus why he didn't come out, was thinking about the letter he had received. Who sent me this letter? Who knows the truth about Sofia N and Vera Alexandrovna?
Elders protested, placards up, shouting loudly.
Thieves downstairs, Criminals !! Out with you !! You are stealing and humiliating us !!
Suddenly Mr. Filipescu intervenes.
Mr. Filipescu: I would like to see what is happening here? What happens here? Let me ask Sofia N what's going on here?
Sofia N: Well, I'll let you talk to them! But I tell you, everything they tell you is true lies! They are old and their roof has already flown.
Mr. Filipescu: Don't you mind talking to them?
Sofia N: Goodbye, Mr. Filipescu!
But I keep telling you that he's going to tell you lies and nonsense. I don't understand where they got this from. I don't believe a word in their words. What I say.
Sofia N, she's still trying to keep yours. Don't let yourself be overwhelmed by what happens at the asylum. Confident that it will still work out. Nobody found out what was happening at the asylum. Only two people know about the illegalities she committed. Her mother and Vera Alexandrovna. He trusted the two women completely. That's why he wasn't afraid. I hope that everything will be resolved soon, and he will return to a normal path.
Suddenly Mr. Filipescu motioned for the elders to calm down.
Mr. Filipescu: Calm down, I want to talk to you? I would like to know what happened?
After hearing Mr. Filipescu, the old people calm down. He took the floor
The old men all once began to speak, it was not clear what they were talking about. Everyone was talking out loud, it was a big mess.
Mr. Filipescu: Stop, I don't understand you. Let one speak. To get along. Then Elizaveta Ivanovna made one of the old protesters speak.
An old man: Well, what to do. We are dissatisfied with Sofia N and Vera Alexandrovna. We protest that the two women want to kick us out, and we have heard from someone that they are stealing our money and from our food that we receive from people who believe in God.
I want them to get out of here. We can no longer stand the insensitivity and impudence they have for us. They are bad and they humiliate us. As much as possible one like this.
Find out that you come to us for inspection and we were very happy that you will help us. I know no one believes us.
Suddenly, Sofia N, when she hears what the old people said, jumps at them. He does them all the way and offends them.
Sofia N: You are not ashamed to walk with a lie, you fools. We give you everything and you reward us like this. You are real liars. How can you go out and humiliate us like this in front of the guests. Liars, undead. Mouth, shut up for once. You are not ashamed to fall down in old age.
The group of protesters at the hearing of Sofia N began to boo, to shout at her, to do it in every way.
Vera Al began to defend herself from the cries and accusations of the elders.
Vera Al: Lies. You are real liars, he shouts to the elders.
Sofia N calms V.A., telling her that she will solve this whole mess.
Mr. Filipescu: Calm down! Can't believe what I'm hearing from you ?! I didn't think something like this could happen. But to witness such a thing ?! He tells Sofia N.
Suddenly Sofia N was nervous and irritated. He didn't calm down one by two. Even louder in the elderly.
Sofia N: You have evidence against me. If you're still wrongfully accusing me. Do you need proof ?! Do you have evidence? He asks the elders.
The group looked at each other in astonishment. She suddenly looked at Elizaveta Ivanovna.
Elizaveta Ivanovna, so as not to give up and not to carry out the plan of the ravine. In front of those on the terrace, with a lot of confidence and courage. He had the courage to face Sofia Nikolaevna
Elizaveta Ivanovna: We have evidence. How do you think we can go out, protest against you without evidence!
Sofia N: Where is your evidence? Let's see them! I'm really curious what lies you're going to tell now?
Elizaveta Ivanovna: We are waiting for the evidence to come. But he's not coming. But we have, they exist.
Sofia N: You have no evidence, if you had then you have been showing it to me for a long time. I don't believe in you either. You are liars. I'll let you show me after this masquerade is over (reply in front of the viewers)
Sofia N: They tell lies, they have no evidence (in Filipescu's direction).
If you had evidence, show me. Let me see!! To convince me you're not lying.
Sofia N shouted at the old protesters.
Mr. Filipescu: Wait Sofia N, if they said they had evidence. Calm down, let's wait for the evidence to come. Just not the right to make unfounded accusations. I want to wait for the evidence I'm talking about.
Sofia N, says nothing more, complies with what Mr. Filipescu said.
Sofia N: If you say Mr. Filipescu, then let's wait. But I say we're waiting in vain. That they have no evidence, they are liars. I tell you once again that they have no evidence (laughs ironically) Where to have evidence. Who can have evidence ?!
Elders protested and shouted loudly.
Thieves, criminals, out with you !! We don't want you here. Eat our money and our food given by the government and bought with the money of big-hearted people.
Mr. Filipescu: Who is that person?
Elizaveta Ivanovna: It's Santa Nichifor, we're waiting for him to come out.
Mr. Filipescu: But where is this old men?
Elizaveta Ivanovna: We are waiting for him to come!
Elizaveta Ivanovna breathed a sigh of relief, rejoicing in herself that she was still running out of time. He was waiting for that anonymous person who sent him the letter. Did she think who she was? Is it really Santa Nichifor? I do not think?! I wouldn't believe he was capable of anything. He rejoiced even more in himself that he was misleading Sofia N. He was playing a play in front of those present at the protest, especially Sofia N. He just hated her even more. But at the same time he felt pity for her.
Ah! Yes! Why didn't he go out to protest like everyone else? He was just called out! I do not understand!! Sounds suspicious to me. Let him be the person with the evidence. Am I wrong ?! I'm curious to see who that person is. Let's wait!
Sofia N when she hears that Santa Nichifor stole all her files is even angrier. Can't believe that Santa is making me something like this ?! It was not in vain that I wanted to fire him. Let him see from me. When do I see him? Don't let it get in my way that I make his bitter days and life a torment.
I didn't expect him to come in and steal my files. Now I have to apologize to my mother for wrongfully accusing her of stealing the files.
In front of the crowd to shoot even louder, at the recommendations of Eliyaveta Ivanovna, shouted even louder. Elizabeth Ivanovna knew that all hope was in that mysterious person, of whom she knew nothing. And she wanted to come sooner so she wouldn't be humiliated by Sofia N.
The crowd did not stop shouting louder.
Sofia N and Vera Al stepped aside and talked to each other. Let no one hear what they are talking about. Mr. Filipescu stepped aside with Gavriluţă to discuss.
Vera A: What do we do Sofia N?
Sofia N: Nothing, Really! They have no evidence against us.
Vera Al: Did you hear that Santa N rose up against us?
Sofia N: Really! I can't believe someone is rising up against us !!
But you know Vera, I had good reason to fire him! Now I know what I have to do. Don't let the Commission go.
Vera Al: What about Sofia N's evidence? Santa Nichifor must come and show us the evidence.
Sofia N: What evidence is Vero? You don't see that they don't have evidence. (Laughs ironically under his nose). I only tell lies.
Vera A: But who stole our file, with everything we stole and the crime we committed?
Sofia N: Look, this worries me the most. Who stole our file? Good thing you reminded me of that.
That I had forgotten about it. Let's see those with that person who brings us the evidence that we stole them. I want to see, who is that person?
I'm very curious.
While everyone was outside, Daria Gregorievna inside to save the elders from her daughter's humiliation decided to show evidence. He went to his daughter's office and dialed the police number.
Daria G: Hello Police !! I want to report a theft from a nursing home! Please come! I have evidence.
Daria G picks up the phone, takes the evidence file from the table. He went to the large window that came out in front of the courtyard where the protesters were. Watch what happens.
Outside, the elders were agitated and shouting loudly.
Vera A and Sofia N were on one side talking to each other. But Mr. Filipescu and Gavriluţă were not inferior either, they were talking to each other.
Gavriluţă: What is happening here, because I don't understand ?! Should it be as they say? Gavriluţă was skeptical of what the old people said. They didn't seem to believe them. Did the two women even steal the money I gave the elders?
Mr. Filipescu: Who knows Gavriluţă? That's why we're waiting for the evidence. Well, that's why I'm waiting. Because I want to see the evidence that old people are talking about.
Gavriluţă: If there is no evidence, what will happen to them?
Mr. Filipescu: What can happen? Nothing! I just don't understand a thing?
Gavriluţă: What?
Mr. Filipescu: Why did they go out to protest? What's the point of saying they have evidence, that they're waiting for that person? I think there is something that bothers them and they are unhappy. I don't think they're liars. Still, I think there's something in between. And one more thing, don't forget the anonymous letter I received.
During this time at the Botanica police station, after the call received from the asylum. Two policemen go to the asylum to see what is happening.
Daria G is waiting for the police to appear in front of the elderly with evidence. But to see the scene, he sat at the window and looked outside to see what was going on.
Elders shouted Sofia N and Vera Al talked to each other. And Mr. Filipescu and Gavriluţă tried to understand what was going on outside, but they did not succeed.
Gavriluţă: Mr. Filipescu, do we give the bad news to the elderly and to Sofia N and Vera Alex?
Mr. Filipescu: Good thing you reminded me, we have to tell them now rather than later.
Let's tell them Gavriluţă! That will be better!
The two head towards the two women with quick steps.
Mr. Filipescu: Sofia N, I would like to talk to you!
Sofia N: Yes, of course, we listen to you!
Mr. Filipescu: Sofia N, I will give you bad news. I hope there is no tragedy for you Sofia N, and that you understand the situation we are in. The top management announced that from next year it will not help orphanages and nursing homes with any money. The state budget has few resources, but we hold them for something else. You will receive salaries, but it is not known when.
You will be at the mercy of the people or you will take care that the situation of the elders is not difficult. That's how you'll do it. I'm sorry to tell you this. That's why we came to visit to see how the situation at the asylum is going.
The two women were shocked and did not know what to say. They muttered completely.
Mr. Filipescu returns to the elders to tell them that they will have no more money. The same thing he said to Sofia N and Vera Al.
When the elders heard, they were dumbfounded. And they began to shout again.
Once Elizaveta Ivanovna began to shout at Mr. Filipescu:
Mr. Filipescu: You do not understand that we do not have the money. The two scorpions stole all the money from the asylum budget. What money, what else to manage? We don't have the money. We are already amazed at what we hear. I was left with no guts.
When he heard Sofia N say what Elizaveta Ivanovna was saying, he went downstairs and headed for Elizaveta Ivanovna, to beat her, but Gavriluţă stopped her at last.
Sofia N, she didn't care what would happen to her, because she knew the whole plan went awry. He no longer thought he would fire her, he wanted revenge on Elizaveta Ivanovna for what she had done. There was no point in staying here, because the money wasn't from the state. He didn't care what would happen to her. Elizaveta Ivanovna wanted to shut her mouth.
The elders reacted violently, beating Sofia N, but calmed down. And they were protesting loudly to those present on the terrace.
Everything was in vain. It remained to calm the spirits and defend that mysterious person of whom Elizaveta Ivanovna spoke.
Suddenly he appeared at the gate of the asylum, entered the courtyard of the asylum. He was heading for the agitation in the asylum yard. He climbed the stairs to the terrace where the ministers and the two women were.
1 Policeman: Lieutenant Dimitrie Ciobotaru and Paul Geogescu, we are from the police station no. 6 from Botanica. Did I receive a phone call from you that you have thieves? Who's the director here.
Sofia N: I'm the director here. But I didn't call the police.
Policeman 1: I got a call from you. Yes, this is your number: 022010203.? That here is a thief and a murderer. We came to see what it was all about.
The group of elders kept shouting. He had nothing to do with the police.
Sofia N: Yes, this is our asylum number. But I didn't call. Did you call the police? (Shouts to the elders).
Sofia N herself. Who called the police?
Elizaveta Ivanovna: I didn't call the police.
Sofia N: Did you call Vero the police?
V.A: Sofia N I didn't call. You went crazy. Those with you didn't call the police at all.
Sofia N: Mr. Filipescu and Gavriluţă, did you call the police?
The two said no. I didn't call the police.
Sofia N: Then who called the police?
Total silence.
Policeman 1: What's going on here?
Sofia N: Nothing important, old people are upset. We're trying to solve it quietly.
Cops 2: Where's the thief and the killer?
Daria Gregorievna suddenly leaves the asylum.
Daria Grigorievna: I was the one who called the police, with a pile of files in my hand.
Sofia N: You mom !! Why ? I don't understand why mom? What did my mother do to you? Didn't you have conditions?
Sofia N was amazed, her mouth open.
Daria G: Shut up, Sofico !! But shut up. You don't see yourself laughing in front of the crowd.
Daria Grigorievna gives the policeman the evidence. A crime was committed here, and thefts were committed. The crime was committed in the direction of Vera Al and Sofia N. They also committed the thefts.
Sofia N: Mr. Policeman, don't believe what she says, the evidence is false. She is senile and old with sclerosis. Don't listen to her, listen to me, cop.
Another irregularity is happening here, it's emotional blackmail on the elderly. Why do you think old people came out to protest?
To humble himself before the ministry commission. Shame on them for being thieves and criminals.
Daria Gregorievna was against her daughter and Vera Alexandrovna.
The police take the file from Daria Grigorievna's hand. They started flipping through the files. Mr. Filipescu and Gavriluţă approached the two policemen, asked them to look at the file. I'm from the ministry and would like to know what it's about.
The police are flipping through the files and making a conclusion.
Old Daria G says nothing. And the two women are scared. They didn't know what to do, waiting for the decision of the two policemen.
The elders continued their protest
One of the policemen stepped aside and called the prosecutor to come to the asylum to clarify a case.
Mr. Filipescu (shouts to the elders): Please be quiet? It must be quiet for the investigation to proceed. Sit in the chairs and wait patiently. The case will be settled in your favor.
In a short time, the prosecutor came to the scene and looked at the files that were given to investigate the case from the old people's home. He began questioning witnesses who knew about the irregularities at the nursing home.
He is investigating all the charges against the two on the spot. He handcuffed them. He took them to the police station of the Botanica sector.
The elders were pleased that justice had been done and the truth had been found. Mr. Filipescu took the report from Vera Al's table to write in it, after seeing the evidence file.
The two from the ministry find a person in place of Sofia N and Vera Al, life goes on in peace and quiet. There was talk of what had happened here for a long time.
An old man's monologue at the asylum
Somewhere in a nursing home in Chisinau. In a dark room with white and bare walls are four beds, on one of them sat an old man, about 75 years old. He had a letter in his hand. He read it and recited it again.
He took a deep breath and sighed. The powers that be left me long ago, when I was brought here. Since then, my life has changed. I started suffocating here. I have no air to breathe, between these 4 white and bare walls. I just feel love, I need a hug, a kind word, advice and warm relief.
Oh God! That's how I ended up in a nursing home, abandoned by my own children. I can't believe my boys were capable of such a thing.
I've been here for 5 years. I cry every night, I miss my home, my wife, my home village.
I lived well in my village, where I was born, raised and married my wife. Then children were born. I lived a quiet life until times changed.
Even then, when I fought on the front against the fascists, I was imprisoned for 10 years because I defended my faith and ancestral values. It wasn't that hard for me. I worked my whole life at Colhoz, as a brigadier, then as a driver so I could give them a better life. And let them reward me like that ?! Where has there been another like this, to abandon your own children in a nursing home. But hey, here's how I reward myself.
And where I ended up. Stay in these four empty white walls. I feel like a bird in a cage.
I left the house I built with my wife, I left my native village.
I sold the house and the acres of land, I gave them the money, they assured me that I would lead a quiet life together. But suddenly they decided to move to Italy. And they brought me here.
I was left alone, alone.
And they, the bastards, left me here. They listened to their women. And they went to Italy. He had to drop me off at my country house. That I was taking care of myself. But they didn't need me. What to do, with an old and stupid old man, helpless and sick.
I received a letter 2 years ago from them. They promised to send me another. I wait every day. But I didn't get the letter. Will they send me another letter they forgot about me?
I don't think he'll look at me. How to look at me? I'm their father. I helped them take their first steps. I helped them build houses. I gave them the money when they needed it. And now look at me. Did they really look at me ?!
I read and reread the letter every time, so that I can be convinced that it is true and not a dream. He promised to come to the country to see me. But he hasn't come yet. Will he come to see me? Who knows? I hope he comes to see me. That I'm the only surviving parent. And that's how he should treat me.
I didn't think that in my old age I would end up without my own children needing me. I don't expect him to take me to Italy, but I didn't expect him to bring me here either. But can they even visit me ?!
Rolling over the doll, we found out that the principal would kick us out of the asylum. A month before, I had an argument with the directors. Also because of the money. She's not happy that I give her so little. What disgust I have in my soul. Where should I go now? Damn it. I give them pension money and they are still not satisfied. My sons didn't give a shit about it. From my pension, I pay for my stay here.
My pension goes everywhere. I'm not left with anything. Food is not good either. But they still have pretensions.
At least to be in better conditions, to take care of us. But it's not like that at all. He scolds us and treats us inhumanely.
I hope I don't leave, because I have nowhere to go. I stay on the roads. What if I didn't argue with the principal last month over money? He certainly wouldn't kick me out. But who knows? But maybe I won't go anywhere. He will have mercy on me, and he will not let me go.
I give money to these stupid nurses and caregivers to take care of me. But what else do they take care of me? They learned to take money from us. Shame on them. Nesimţitele hell.
It has not yet been announced who will leave. Will he kick me out? How to get me out? I should give them the money to shut up. If I didn't give them, I'd be out on the street for a long time. But maybe he won't kick me out. That I'm good and I swallow everything. I don't cause them any problems. I do everything I say. That if I don't cash it in at all.
Santa takes the letter and rereads it again. Tears flow down both cheeks. Every night, before bed, I take the letter and read it before falling asleep. I dreamed that my boys would enter the asylum gate and take me with them.
I'm thrown out like a dog.
Written by Bogus Elena
7 februarie 2021
A cup of water at the nursing home - second part
Scene 3
In another room upstairs downstairs. Chef Dusea brought food to Nichifor Filimon.
Old Nichifor sat in his room with a letter in his hand, reading and reciting it. It was noon, he didn't go to the canteen to eat with everyone at once. She stayed in his room.
Old Filimon enters Dusea's room to bring him food.
Chef Dusea: But mate, what are you doing here? How long have we been waiting for you at the table? Why did not you come?
Nichifor Filimon Tace. The cook puts food on her plate and a glass of tea, a slice of bread greased with butter and magic. She sees the letter in the old man's hand, goes and takes it by force.
Chef Dusea: Who sent you this letter ?! Let me see.
Chef Dusea opens the letter and reads it. The cook's big eyes became like onions. Her smile is ironic.
Dusea: Ah !! old men, don't get drunk with cold water. He descended to the ground with his feet and only dreamed. That son of a bitch took his sole and dumb forgot about you.
The cook walked around the old man's room, with the letter in her hand and analyzing it carefully.
Dusea: If he hasn't come to see you yet, it means you're saying goodbye to them. They care about their lives, their wives and their children. They don't have time for mats anymore. Since I've been working here, I've rarely come to pick up old people at home. They brought them here and left them on our heads. Not to mention visiting, I rarely come.
These old people are a headache for their children. He doesn't care anymore! And what does he have to do with them? Where to keep them in the block, there is no place to move, so take care of the elderly.
Now in this days, children no longer need their parents. These are the times, the hard times are over. You drunk old people, you got here, instead of getting a cup of water in your old age.
They come to us and leave them. Today, young people forget about their parents. Who needs them, so much hassle, you have to give them a cup of water when they need it. But so young they gave up on them. And they forgot about the cup.
So, they have arrived today, children are crossing the border. Forget about children and their parents. They come and drop them off at the asylum and orphanage. They left them on the street. No education without any roof over them. Criminals and criminals arrive later.
Come on, I have to go, let's talk. That it doesn't get late in the evening. I still have to take food to other old people. Not only did you not come to dinner today. There are others like mates who do not come to the table. I'm coming and I have to bring them. On top of that, I get paid well for the services I provide.
Ah, I was going to forget to tell you you know you forgot to pay me to serve you! He gathered at the matale account. If you don't pay, I won't bring food to your room. You will come to the kitchen alone like all the old men.
Do you know that it has been announced that old people will be expelled from the asylum ?! You must have found out! Now go outside, don't sit alone in the room because there's no air here!
If you paid the nurses for us, didn't she even come to you ?! What a dark smell is here. Take the mat out because you'll feel better.
The cook opens the window for ventilation, and throws the crumpled letter in a corner and leaves.
He left the old man's room and went to the other old men, who were not at the table.
Old Philimon got up from the bed and went to get his letter from the corner. He takes the glass in his hand and barely brings it to his mouth. He opened the letter and straightened it.
After Bucket Dusea went to the other elders. Enter the kitchen. Where to find Marioara. He put the remaining crane in the pan to put in the fridge.
Dusea: Listen, Mario, and I went to Santa Filimon! He stays alone in the room again. A smell of urine and unwashed, that your stomach turns upside down. If only he would leave the asylum sooner, because I'm tired of him. Let other old men come with the money.
Mărioara: Come on Dusea, don't you think about money anymore ?! Think about it, if it were your mother in his place. What would you do? Would you treat her the same, or would you bring him here? Of course not?
Maricica: Have mercy on Santa Filimon! That we will all reach old age ?! Who will bring us a cup of water in our old age? We have to take care of them. That is why the state pays our salary, we do not have the right to retire them. They pay for the stay. They have no right to give us the money, if the social workers find out that we are taking the money from the pensioners. They will shut us down !! Do you know what I mean.?!
Dusea: Shut up, Maricica !! No one will find out that we take the money from the elders, Sofia Nikolaevna keeps everything under her control. He scares the old men into keeping their mouths shut. As you think, that is our peace. Nobody opens, not even Santa Filimon. Sofia Nikolaevna keeps them under constant tension.
Mother: Shut up Be stupid! The truth will come out anyway. Nothing stays hidden for long. That you don't think about money anymore! Money has twisted your mind! Just think about the money, but don't think about your sins. No more nonsense on that mouth.
While the two cooks were talking, Sofia Nicolaevna entered the kitchen door.
The director of the institution, Sofia Nikolaevna, was a Russian, blonde and damn bad. He was about 50 years old. She didn't care about those around her. He was thinking about money. Her life revolved around money. He did everything to be good only to her, not to the old people.
The money that went into the asylum was spent on repairing the institution, food, administrative expenses, salaries, medicines for the elderly, but a part of the rest is put in her pocket. He didn't share with anyone.
Everyone in the asylum knew that. But he was afraid of her, she was very bad and harsh with the asylum world. Even the elderly. When they quarrel or shout at someone, everyone tries not to get in their way.
Sofia Nikolaevna: What happened? What are you talking about? Ah no! you say I already know who you're talking about !? Talk about Santa Filimon again. What else did he do this time?
Shower: Nothing. Sofia Nicolaevna, sits in his room again and reads a letter received 5 years ago.
Sofia Nikolaevna: Are you still with that letter? As much as possible?! I told Santa Filimon Nichiforevici to write to the boys to send him the money. But he still didn't write anything to them.
I argued with him over the money. He still keeps her from paying his pension. But I tell him his pension is still small. Not enough for food. He has debt, but he doesn't care. But I'm tired of explaining to him. But he kept his.
I threatened him that if he didn't pay all his debt, he would wake up on the street. I feel like kicking him out. I have to bring him in place, old men. There are requests for a bed. Many are queuing for our asylum. There are some who pay a lot not to bring the elderly here. But I still have only 3 free beds now. But there are many requests.
But with Filimon Nichiforevici, I'm still thinking what to do ?! To fire him or not? I still don't know what to do.
Dusea: It's best to kick him out. He doesn't give a damn. So far he has not paid
Maricica: No, Sofia Nicolaevna, have mercy on Filimon, she has nowhere to go. Stay on the road. Where will he go? He will beg.
Sofia N: But what do I care. Ever since I cared about these old men. Which I'm tired of. No more money, for them to die on their heads, I don't care.
Maricica: You have no heart!
S.N: Shut up! Mother, that you do not decide. Who leaves or stays, I decide.?! I decide, you understand !!
She was mischievous, squeaking under her nose. By approving Sofia N, he wanted to please Sofia N.
Sofia N: Go! After I came? Ah, I forgot! And you took me with Filimon and his problems, because I forgot why I came here ?!
Dusea: I don't know, Sofia N, why did you come? You would definitely come for something important.
How busy the women were cleaning the kitchen. Sofia N remembered after she came.
Sofia N: Ah! Now, I remembered. Yes, girls, we have important guests today. A Government Commission will come to us today. Please get to work. Prepare something good. Let them see that we take care of our elders. I'll order tea cakes.
Dusea and Maricia told Sofia N that she would make a good and tasty meal to lick your fingers.
Sofia N: But I'm going to let all our elders know. To bathe and to dress cleanly.
Măricia: Sofia Nikolaevna, what time will our guests come from the Government? To find out if we still have time for dinner.
Sofia N: Yes, you have time. They'll be around 6pm, so you have plenty of time to prepare a tasty meal. But I take care of everything.
You take care of the cleaning in the kitchen and the dining room, that I will tour them all over the asylum to see where the money went.
Sofia Nikolaevna greets the cooks. He had left the kitchen. To go and notify all the asylum staff. That they will come from the ministry, today to the asylum.
At the same time, a group of elders gathered in a room. They were talking and waiting for Elizabeth to come.
Aunt Elizaveta entered the room, she was very thoughtful of what she had heard before. Satisfaction and sadness could be read on her face. He was thinking about the consequences he would have after protesting with the elders in front of the commission. He wondered, even if the people at the ministry would not believe him or listen to him. And if Sofia Ni wins, what will happen to her with the group of people who so fiercely delayed the expulsion of Sofia N. Why didn't I gather evidence to show the two of them when they come ?! If they don't believe me. They're going to ask me for evidence. How stupid I am why I didn't gather evidence.
Elizaveta Ivanovna passed the noisy group, thinking deeply about everything.
Suddenly there was silence. One of the old men shouted at Elizaveta Ivanova!
An old man: Elizabeth Ivanovna, what happened?
Elizaveta Ivanova did not hear his cry, she was too thoughtful to hear it.
An old woman screamed at her in an already high voice.
An old woman: Elizaveta Ivanovna, you hear me!
Suddenly Elizaveta Ivanova heard the old woman shouting at her. He shuddered at the shout.
Elizaveta Ivanovna: What are you shouting at me? Do you think I can't hear you? You consider me so deaf. (He screams at the two who shouted).
First old man: I saw you were dumbfounded and we wanted to ask you something?
Elizaveta Ivanovna: What do you want to ask me? Say it once! That there is no time. We must continue preparations for our protest. We don't have enough time. Time passes.
The first old man: Well! We want to talk about the protest. When we protest in front of the asylum. We need to gather as many elders as possible to support us. We can't just go out and protest, then woe to us. Understand Elizaveta Ivanovna!
Elizaveta Ivanovna: I understand very well what you mean, well, that's what I've been thinking about so far.
An old woman: Don't you want to give up our plan to protest?
Elizaveta Ivanovna was silent for a moment.
Elizaveta Ivanovna: Those with you, how to give up? Yes, I admit, for a moment I wanted to give up the protest, but when we listened to you speak with confidence, you want that. That's when I changed my mind.
But do you know why I wanted to stop the protest ?!
The group at once.
I thought to you, I don't want you to suffer. On top of that, I have no evidence. How to protest if we have no evidence. What will we tell them when the commissioners come. And Sofia Nikolaevna will tell you that it is not true, that it is an invention of ours. No one will believe us. Who will believe us? If we don't have evidence to show him.
Suddenly Sofia Nikolaevna enters the door.
Sofia Nikolaevna: Oh! You are here. Yes, I wanted to let you know that we have a visit from the ministry. Please get ready immediately, wash and get dressed. Make a good impression. Don't make fun of me.
Did you understand!! Yes, at 6 pm to see you in the official hall. That's where I want you all to gather. Have an occupation. Yes! Something else today you will eat good food. On the occasion that these come from the ministry. But from tomorrow, switch to regular food. Good I leave you. I'm going to let the others know. Anyway, it wasn't up to me to let you know.
Sofia Nikolaevna leaves the group's room. The group is very surprised by the arrival of the ministers.
An old woman: I don't understand, why are the people from the ministry coming? What happened?
An old man: But why am I coming? I do not understand ?!
Another old woman: You don't understand anyone who informed them of the irregularities that are happening here. But who announced them. That they come to us in a hurry.
They all looked at each other in amazement. Only Elizabeth Nikolayevna had fallen into thought. He didn't know how to get evidence to fire Sofia Nikolaevna. It was a good opportunity for the ministry to come. He hadn't thought at all before that it was luck, that the people from the ministry were coming. He only felt a fear of how the protest would unfold. Nothing is ready, he has not announced to any of the elders that a protest will take place. To support the group. What will happen?
Some of the elders: Are you wrong Elizaveta Ivanovna, how can we not have prepared anything? We have the placards ready. But otherwise we solve the others quickly. We will talk to all the elders who want to support us in our protest.
Elizaveta Ivanovna: Suddenly she stopped and told them. Don't sit and talk much !! Get to work! Until the people from the ministry come, I want all the elders to be informed in secret that there will be a protest! Let no one know. I want you to let all the old people in the asylum know. We need people to support us.
You all make sure no one finds out about our plan. Tell everyone you know
An old woman: Shall we announce old men Filimon?
Elizaveta Ivanovna: Yes, of course! He still needs to know. You keep him in our group. Come to work once! Don't sit still and time passes.
Suddenly Nastea Feodrovna enters the door. The maid is part of the group of protesters. Breathe and sigh hard.
Feodorvna's birth closes the door as she enters.
Nastea F: Do you know what is heard in the asylum?
Elizabeth Ivanovna: What?
Nastea F: It's being rumored around here. That someone sent a letter to the ministry. That's why those from the ministry come to us? Who could send a letter? Only from us? The one who knows the irregularities of our asylum?
Elizaveta Ivanovna: Honestly, I don't know? What are you looking at me like? Do you think I sent the letter? I have nothing to do, send the letter. Everyone jump in my head ?!
Not I! And don't look at me that long. That not me, I repeat to you.
If I sent, then all the blame was on my head. But I didn't send. Elizaveta Ivanovna walked nervously through the room where the protest group was.
An old woman: But who sent, then?
An old man: Is it Nichifor Filimon? He's so quiet. He doesn't say anything. Do I suspect him? To know.
Birth F: No, he. It can't be him. Because I pass by very often and talk to him. I don't think it's him. He would have told me. I know him pretty well. I don't think so. I think he's someone who knows the asylum situation well. Which is next to Sofia Nikolaevna. He needs to know her well.
Another old woman: Put your hand in the fire for him, Nastea F? It could be him. But who should it be? Is there anyone here at the asylum that we don't know about ?! It's been 5 years, I don't know and I haven't found out anything.
Nastea F: Yes, I put my hand in the fire for him!
An old woman: But can one of us be sent?
Suddenly they all looked at each other in astonishment and suspicion at each other.
Elizaveta Ivanovna: I don't think we sent it. I don't think we did this stupid thing. I think someone who knows Sofia N and her secrets well.
Total silence.
Elizaveta Ivanovna: Let's get to work. Let everyone know about our plan.
The group had left the room for training. Let the world know for the protest.
Elizaveta Ivanovna was left alone in the room. She was relieved that she had not told anyone in the group about the theft of money, which had been committed by Sof N and Vera Al. He knew a big secret, he wanted to reveal it, but he had no evidence. Who will believe it. He was thinking of the person who knew more about the irregularities in the asylum. Bet on that person who has all the evidence about Sofia N, and could expose her to the commission.
During this time a mysterious character entered Sofia Nikolaevna's office, took all the receipts and evidence of the thefts she had committed before. Especially the crime committed by Sof Nicolaevna, before she was director of the institution.
This mysterious character sent the letter to the ministry. He took all the evidence from the drawers and disappeared from the office. He goes to her in the room and hides in the place only she knew. So his daughter wouldn't find them. He knew about the protest, he had overheard it from the protest group.
I have to give them all the evidence I got from my daughter, just in time.
I love my daughter very much, but she couldn't close her eyes every time she did an injustice. Not! How much evil can be done to these old people who have done no harm to anyone. They were unlucky enough to be trapped in these four bare white walls forgotten by their own children.
They wanted to bring them a cup of water in their old age, but they were not so lucky. Now my daughter, who is making fun of you, is also stealing the money that belongs to them. I'm so tired of being humiliated, he yells at me, not as much as he can. He has no respect. He only thinks about money, but he doesn't think about me at all. She became selfish and very bad, I don't recognize her anymore. It has changed a lot. Now run for the money. Not as good as that? (She's indignant and unhappy.) She's not listening to me at all. Yes, I listen to her when she has a problem or has a hard time. But he thought of me. That I also have weight on my soul. He never thought of me. She became selfish and evil. But she makes me an accomplice to all her actions. I've reached the age I can't stand anymore, I don't want to be complicit in everything he does. I want to have a quiet old age!
Not as much as she can blame me, but she shouts at me every time she's nervous, when she's not received a transaction. If it weren't for the money, she would lead a quiet life. He keeps telling me only about the money, that he took his car and bought his clothes. He still brags, isn't that something like this ?! I'm tired of one. I'm tired. Ready! I have to work it out. She's my daughter, I love her, but she shouldn't end up like this. To become a thief and a murderer, to the suffering of others.
I've tried to stop her so many times, but she doesn't want to hear me. What to do with her, how to stop her? Only the evidence will help me calm her down. It doesn't matter if she gets to jail, at least that's how I'll stop her from all the bad things she does.
That person was Sofia Nikolaevna's mother, Dorina Gregorievna. Sofia Nikolaevna sold Dorina Gregorievna's house and property, stopped her money, but took her mother here. With the thought that it will be better. He will have someone to fatten her and bring her a cup of water in her old age.
During this time, the elderly dressed, washed and prepared for the visit of the inspectors from the ministry. All were notified of their visit. Groups of elders gathered in the hall to discuss the visit of the ministry. The protest group secretly announces their plan to protest at the asylum. He announces to all the elders, even old Filimon.
Everyone agreed to protest. The group was agitated and very determined by the decision they had made.
Sofia Ni. He went into his office to look for the receipts and the notebook. He opened the desk drawer and found nothing.
He panicked, he didn't understand anything. Where are the files ?! Like I put it here ?! Search all drawers and shelves. He had found nothing. He panicked and worried even more. He sat down on an armchair by the door. He had taken a deep breath to calm himself.
Calm Sofia Ni, we have to think about who came to my office and took the file ?! She thought to herself. He asked himself the question. Who is that person who came into my office ?! Who knows about my secrets and wants to hurt me ?! Who ?! I go to Vera Alexandrovna, to ask her if she didn't come to me and take the files or see someone suspicious coming into my office.
She stood with the door open most of the time, only to see someone walking around.
Sofia N left the office and headed for Vera Al. The door was open. He knocks on the door.
Vera Al was working on the report she had to present to the committee. He heard a knock on the door and invited her in.
Vera A: It's good that you brought the file with all the receipts and evidence. So good. You will see that we will solve all our problems. I'm working on the report now, there's a lot to write here, but it needs to be written.
Vera Alexandrovna kept an eye on the file and worked.
Vera Al looked up from the file and looked at Sofia Nikolaevna's hands
Vera A: What happened to Sofia N?
Silence between the two women.
Vera A: Where is the file with Sofia N receipts?
Sofia N: I don't know, Vera Al! I can't find him anywhere. I put it in the drawer with all the evidence and I can't find it. I don't understand, it doesn't seem to have evaporated ?!
V.A: How can you not find it anywhere? But where did they put him?
Sofia N: Well, I just told you I put it in my office drawer. Where else to put it. That's where I keep my things.
V.A: Are you sure you put it there?
S.N: Sure there ?! But where else to put it ?! I don't seem to have a memory problem.
V.A: Now what are we going to do ?! How will we cover the gap in the file ?! What will we write ?!
S.N: I don't know, Vera A, that it's a big problem. Let's think about solving it! How are we going to fool the ministry ?!
V.A: Sofia N, you know that we can't fool Gavriluţă and Mr. Filipescu, she has a good nose when discovering irregularities. We can fool Gavriluţă, but I don't believe this Filipescu. I smelled it very well last time. He has a good nose !! He feels from a post office when something is wrong.
S.N: Don't worry, we can handle it. You take Gavruluţă, and I take Filipescu.
V.A: You know what I don't understand S.N?
S.N: What, V.Al?
V.Al: On what occasion do the people from the ministry come ?! I kept asking myself how I was writing the report for the two of them. Still not understand! Looks like they were inspected last month. Now again. What else to inspect. Looks like we have no problems. Did anyone call them to us ?! Who wants to cause us trouble ?!
Total silence between the two women.
V.A: I sit and think slowly ?! And I still don't understand, why are they coming from the ministry to us for inspection ?! Who told them to come to us ?!
Vera Alexandrovna thought and wondered aloud so that Sofia N. could hear her.
Sofia Nikolayevna suddenly left Vera Alexandrovna's office, leaving her to speak for herself,
Vera saw that she was talking to herself. He doesn't understand what happened to Sofia Nikolaevna. He sat down at his desk and continued to write his report.
Sofia Nikolaevna understands who is the perpetrator of the theft of the file. He certainly asks himself the same question. Who called the two for inspection? Could it be my mother ?! But I don't think so? How can she be? Because she's complicit in all my actions. He got even angrier, because he felt that his mother might be behind the theft and the call of the two.
Somewhere in the city on the way to the asylum, Mr. Filipescu and Gavriluţă were discussing the problems that had arisen at the ministry.
Mr. Filipescu: You know, Gavriluţă while I was driving upstairs, to tell him about the issue of the anonymous letter. But in the meantime, I've learned another problem that will affect everyone. But eventually this problem will be found out.
Gavriluţă: What problem does Mr. Filipescu have? What problem are you talking about?
Mr. Filipescu: I have learned that the Government will no longer provide assistance to asylums and orphanages in the country. They will be at the mercy of the people. Because of the economic crisis that has hit our country. The state began to save money in the budget. And so there are problems with money to pay the salaries of the farmers, the jobs are few, the unemployed are many. He told me asylum seekers that we would not give any more money until the money problem was fixed.
But now he needs to know how to manage the money well in order to survive. Until the money is settled.
Gavriluţă: Definitive or until he finds the money to help further?
Mr. Filipescu: I don't know. Top management has indicated that it will no longer provide aid. He will only pay the salaries, but otherwise he will leave the administration of the asylums and orphanages to manage on his own.
We have to understand Gavriluţă that the state budget no longer has the money to spend the money on kindergartens and orphanages, it's time for them to manage on their own.
Gavriluţă: Do I understand that the money will go elsewhere?
Mr. Filipescu: Who knows, Gavriluţă ?! Nobody knows. The boss didn't tell me anything. He made it clear to me that the money would not be given. Now we have to tell the asylum seekers this bad news. I would like to see their reactions. Especially Sofia Necolaevna.
Gavriluţă: Strange and very strange that I hear something like that. I always hear important news and now you are ahead of me. Sofia Necolaevna? But what else did she do ?! But it doesn't seem strange to you. But somehow, the state leadership got their hands on the state budget to take money from taxpayers and get rich. They are capable of anything. He will not get rich on our backs and the poor budgeters like us. (Ironically)
Mr. Filipescu: How did he do it? He steals the money the state gives him. All aid coming from the state. I have no evidence to catch her. I'm thinking about the letter I received. When I received the letter, I was very happy. That someone was found to expose her. I hope someone has clear evidence and will give it to me so I can get it out.
Mr. Filipescu: Who knows Gavriluţă ?! I don't know anything, so I received orders from above to give the bad news to the nursing home.
Gavriluţă: How so?
Mr. Filipescu: Why are you so surprised, Gavriluţă ?! The good old days are over, when the state was generous with man and turned right and left. Now we live in capitalism. Now the citizen has to fend for himself. Get used to it.
Now the top ones are drilling the local budget. They spend as much as they want, they don't think about us anymore. They are thinking about how to get rich faster. He steals from the people. Hard times have come. The people suffer because of lies and the indifference of the state to the citizen. And us behind them.
You don't see how those above are lying to us, but we believe their lies. This life is hard.
You will see again, Gavriluţă, we will still suffer a lot from this Government. So be careful! Don't leave your rifle empty without a salary paid and a roof over your head. That then, woe to our head.
We will be out of work! Expect dark days.
Gavriluţă: Do you think that? That this can happen?
Mr. Filipescu: I think Gavriluţă! I think it will definitely happen. Let's go, time passes. We have to take them by surprise. I feel sorry for them. What will happen to them? (They both fell silent) They both said aloud: Drink from them.
Sofia Nikolaevna nervously knocks on the door waiting not to answer. She enters her mother's room nervously.
Her mother was reading a book. He didn't realize his daughter's sudden entry. Because he was standing with his back to the door. You can't hear the knock on the door. He was badly sighted and hearing. So that the light from outside shone directly in front of her. Sofia N started shouting at her mother in Russian. Let them not understand what they are talking about.
Sofia N: Come on, mother! (Shouts out loud). Did you take the receipts and files?
Daria G: What are you talking about Sofico? What documents, what files do I still don't understand? (She was fooling around in front of her daughter) So that Sofia N. wouldn't notice.
Sofia N: Mom, are you kidding me? Today I received my receipts, the administrative notebook. I can't find them at all.
D.G: And you thought of me taking them, didn't you ?! But how do I know? Do I seem to know about those desires ?!
S.N: Mom, you don't understand! Yes, Mom, I know because I come and tell you everything. You know everything about me.
D.G: Then look if you want Sofico! If you don't believe me, look here. If you find anything then you will accuse me of taking it from you. But as you allow yourself to unjustly accuse me if you have no substantiated evidence. (Ironically).
Daria Grigorievna knew about her daughter's hysteria. Then ignore it the hardest.
Sofia N searches her mother's room. He found nothing. He couldn't threaten her, that he had no evidence that she was filming. He decided to follow his mother.
Sofia. N: You know mom !? It is heard through the asylum that someone sent a letter to the commission from the ministry.
Daria.G: And ?! Why are you telling me? You think I sent it, so you trust me. Yes! But I thought my beloved daughter trusted me. But now I realize my daughter doesn't trust me at all. Do you think I would be able to send the letter to the minister? Shall I expose you to all the bad things you've done? How can you think such a thing about me?
Sofia N: I didn't think you were a mother! But when I saw that the files were missing, the thought took me to you. The rumor had reached Sofia Nikolaevna. That someone sent a letter to the ministry. Do you know anything about the mother letter ?! Did you send a letter to the ministry ?! Did anyone send a letter to the minister? The asylum knows.
D.G: I tell you once again that I did not take the files and did not send the letter to the ministry. What to send, I have nothing to do ?! I wasn't crazy at my age. If I do this nonsense, you know I'm falling with you once, I'm just your accomplice. I want to live my quiet old age.
Daria Grigorevna reassures Sofia N, pats her on the shoulder.
D. G: How can I hurt you, you're just my daughter, I love you so much. I wouldn't hurt you at all. But please stop fooling around and evil. It all comes back, you do bad it turns bad, you do good it turns back good. Take care, my girl, I greeted you. You will reach my age. You will wait for a cup of water in old age and who will bring it to you.
As the elders expect a cup of water from you and their children, whom they have abandoned like little children.
S.N: Come on mom and start with the nonsense, you know it won't be like that. You know I don't care about these old men. I want a lot of money. If I win more, I'll take you from here and we'll go far where we'll be better.
D. G: Why do you need more money dear mother. What to do with them ?!
During this time, someone knocks on the door. He interrupts their conversations. It was Vera A. Sofia N goes and opens the door.
V.A: Sofia N, please come out, because we have something to discuss!
S. N: Yes! Of course V.A.
V.A: Hello! Dorina Gregorevna!
D.G: Good Truth! How are you?
V.A: Okay, thank you!
S.N: Okay, I'll leave you, we'll talk later. I'm going out, because we have something to discuss, me and Vera A.
D.G: Okay, my daughter. Talk to you later.
Sofia N closes the door and leaves. The two women talk down the hall to Vera A's office.
True. A: Sofia N, do you know what time it is?
S.N: What time is it? I lost track of time with my mother.
V. A: It's 16:00. What are we going to do, what are we going to tell them?
S. N: Let it come and we will think immediately.
V.A: I'm afraid of dying. What will they say ?! If they ask us for receipts, what will we tell them?
S.N: Let's get some receipts from us. Nothing, we'll tell them they didn't give it to us. Let's invent something for a moment. Don't worry, I'll take the blame. Stop stressing and worrying about sending it to me.
Let's finish the conversation. Let's get to work. Okay, let's make the expenses. The two women left in the accountant's office to do the calculations.
Meanwhile, the two inspectors enter the asylum gate. All the elders were in the asylum, no one was outside to greet them. It was total silence.
Gavriluţă and Mr. Filipescu looked at each other in amazement, because no one was outside. It was a beautiful summer day. No old man was out.
He opened the asylum door and went inside. He was greeted by his maid, who was cleaning
Maid: Hello gentlemen! How can I help you?!
Mr. Filipescu and Gavriluţă: Hello !!
Mr. Filipescu: I'm looking for Sofia Nicolaevna
Maid: Who's asking ?!
Mr. Filipescu: We are from the ministry. I came to see you at the asylum
Maid: Ah !! Yes, follow me!
The maid leads the two of Vera Alexandrovna's office. He knocks on the accountant's door.
A woman's voice is heard. Yes. Who ?!
I was born. Some guests have come to you.
The birthplace opens the door. The maid enters, behind her, the two guests enter. The two women remain silent and amazed at the entrance of the two. They didn't know what to say.
Mr. Filipescu: Hello !!
V.A: Hello!
S.N: Please come in, take a seat. I haven't been waiting for you for so long.
Sofia N, shouts to the maid, Nastea please bring two coffees immediately.
S.N: Do you really want something? Please bring me water?
V.A: No thanks.
Sofia Nikolaevna closes the door behind the maid.
While the 4 were in the office. The maid Nastea goes for coffee and water to serve the guests. After the service, he went to inform the elders of the arrival of those from the ministry.
Upon learning that the ministry was coming, happy elders began to prepare to protest outside. He went to get all the placards out of bed to get out. They prepared in advance what they had to say.
Meanwhile, the two from the ministry sat down on chairs. And the women were at the table, in front of the files.
Sofia N: (Ironic) addressed the two. What happened this time? So at our place. On what occasion, at our place. We were waiting for you around 18. I hope you didn't miss us suddenly.
Mr. Filipescu: Why do you think something happened? In fact, I was busy in the city with the inspection and I finished earlier and as I was nearby, I came straight to the asylum. I hope we don't bother you. We didn't want to waste time. On this occasion, we came to see what the old people are doing, to see if they have any problems and need something. You just know how we care for the elderly ?! Yes, I still promised to look over the report.
I hope the report is ready, don't we have time to wait?
But not to take Sofia Nikolaevna and Vera Alexandrovna upstairs. But the document is not ready, do we understand ?!
Sofia N: I don't mind Mr. Filipescu. We're not glad you stopped by. Come so often. But you know I haven't finished the report yet?
Mr. Filipescu: Let me show you the file later !? We'll look at the file later. I understand I took you by surprise. But shouldn't the report be ready ?! If it's not ready. Better to walk through the asylum. Let's see what else has changed in the meantime.
Sofia N: It should have been ready a long time ago. We took care of the asylum expenses. Do you know what it's like to run an asylum with so many sufferers, Mr. Filipescu ?!
Mr. Filipescu: Yes, I know how it is! I have an order from Above that we must control all orphanages to have a report on where the money given by the government is going. We need to keep track of what the money is spent on. So there are no other problems.
Ah! As far as I can remember, I have to give you some bad news. But not now I want to give you. I'd like to walk around the asylum and talk to the elders. Let me know from them if they need anything or not. Let's go Sofia N, Gavriluţă, Vera Al.
Sofia N wondering what to do, talk to old people ?! But what to talk to them about ?! What he has to say. What should the elders tell them that we are going to get them out to bring in the money? I'm afraid that's what will happen if I don't take control of everything. The elders will tell them what I am going to do. That's what I was missing.
I have to think, think well.
Suddenly, Mr. Filipescu shouts at Sofia N, let's go, can you hear what you're thinking ?!
Sofia N: Let's go! Excuse me, I was thinking about the report!
Mr. Filipescu: Let the report be resolved. You will tell me how time passes here. Look, Vera A, it remains to make the relationship with Gavriluţă, but we are going to see what happens.
Vera Al was frightened, and her panic didn't show her emotions. Gavriluţă is satisfied that she will not go with the two.
Sofia N was even more scared that Gavriluţă and Vera Al would be left alone. He took it in his hands so as not to show the fear he had.
Sofia N: All right, let's go. Okay then stay and write the report with Vera Al.
And suddenly the maid Nastea enters Vera A's office, without knocking. She was agitated and scared, what she had seen, she ran to call Sofia N.
Nastea did not say a word, waiting to calm down. He ran to notify those in the office.
S.N: Did something happen?
The baby was still breathing hard and agitated.
S.N: What happened to Nastea?
Sofia Nikolaevna was beginning to get angry with Nastea.
Mr. Filipescu: Can't you see that she can't answer that she's breathing hard, she probably ran to let you know about the problem and you shout at her ?!
What are you shouting at her, let her recover ?! And then he will answer you.
Sofia N: Silence Nastea! What happened?
Nastea: It's a nightmare outside, come and see what's going on outside !! Incredibly, I never imagined it would happen to us ?! Let's go see what happens outside !! It's the great ruin. I'm afraid what will happen when you see what happens!
Nastea had a frightened and agitated voice. He was most afraid of what would happen next.
Sofia N: Let's go see what's going on outside !? I'm already terrified that something happened! What happened outside, Nasteo ?!
Everyone in the office went outside, headed for the asylum. When V.Al and Sofia N saw what was happening outside, they remained motionless, why did they see. They were so frightened that they didn't say a word for a few minutes. He did not expect to see and happen at the asylum where the two women lead him.
To be continued!!
Written by Boguș Elena
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