28 martie 2021

Book Review : How to create a spiritual relationship. A guide to development and happiness for couples about to start a relationship, by Paul Ferrini

 An honest and uncomplicated book on the most complicated subject: human relationships.

A book that goes directly into the essence of the love relationship and thus becomes a guide for those who want to establish such a relationship or for those who already have it.

The true love relationship, healthy and fertile, grows only through the robust roots offered by the good spiritual preparation of the two life partners. The seven spiritual laws discussed in the book How to Create a Spiritual Relationship provide a guide for couples who have dedicated themselves to each other's spiritual evolution, regardless of the stage of their relationship.

"The relationship is the most difficult and interesting spiritual path that is available to us on the planet today. No other way brings to the surface the hidden doubts, fears and insecurities to be healed in such a definitive way. We need a lot of courage to see those parts of ourselves that we find difficult to accept and that are reflected to us by our partners. However, by reconciling with our partners we reconcile with ourselves and come to experience our own fullness. ”- Paul Ferrini

Another book I would like to recommend to my readers is “How to Create a Spiritual Relationship. A guide to development and happiness for couples about to start a relationship, ”by author Paul Ferrini.

Let's talk a little about the author of this book Paul Ferrini is the author of over 30 books on love, healing and forgiveness. His unique way of combining ideas of a radical Christianity with ideas from other traditions of wisdom not only shows us how to help ourselves, but even reaches the essence of self-healing.

This interesting book that I read recently and made me understand a lot about a relationship that is just beginning. I recommend it for those who are in the beginning of a relationship and those for those who do not have a relationship yet. Do not rush to start a relationship in which you are not sure of yourself. That's why this book will help you discover yourself and your partner. The book will help you build a healthy relationship, based on mutual trust, respect, love and understanding.

Unfortunately nowadays, many couples live in a relationship that does not work at all are relationships that are at a standstill for divorce.

It made me understand that I have a lot of work to do with my relationship and then my relationship with my partner.

This book is created for those who are in a serious relationship, or want to have such a relationship. A serious relationship is just one of the ways that leads to spiritual evolution and transformation. It's not the only way, and it's not an easy one. The seven spiritual laws discussed in the second part of the ascetic book provide a guide for couples who have dedicated themselves to their mutual spiritual evolution.

The relationship represents the birth of a new entity. It presupposes the transition from a context of "I" to that of "We", without sacrifice. This does not happen overnight. The cycle of a relationship begins with its birth, reaching the apex of life, and then death and rebirth. Its termination may take place due to the death of one of the partners or through the understanding made by both persons that the relationship no longer serves them for the common evolution. No relationship lasts forever. And many beautiful and important relationships last five, ten, or twenty years.

We all need to understand that the myth that being in a serious relationship means that we must be together forever. Every relationship has a beginning, a middle and an end.

The book is divided into 3 parts: If you are already in a serious relationship, you may want to start working directly with the second part of this book. If you are not alone in wanting or not having a serious relationship, read the first part carefully.

And in the first part of this book, it deals with the way we move from the context of We, again, to the context of the Self, being grateful to our partners for what we have learned together. It helps us not to part with love.

The relationship is the most difficult and interesting spiritual path that is available to us on the planet today. No other way brings to the surface the hidden doubts, fears, and insecurities to be healed, in such a definitive way.

The spiritual principles in this book will help you cope with the ups and downs of your relationship so that you can learn and evolve together. As long as there is evolution, the relationship is healthy and worthy of your commitment.

And for those who are single, we need to prepare for a relationship and for that we need to follow some very important steps. First of all, we need to know ourselves very well. Let's love ourselves and accept ourselves and extend that love and that acceptance to the other people in your experience. Knowing who we are and what we want in a relationship is an essential first step on the path to intimacy. We cannot expect to have successful relationships with others unless we respect our own temperament and our own needs.

And secondly, to learn, living alone, when you know who you are, you can be honest with others and you can encourage them to be honest with you.

To discover who you are, what you think, what you like to do, to take the time for a communion with yourself and for self-care, to learn to love and accept yourself during the maximums and minimums of daily life with day all these are essential skills for finding peace and happiness.

Third, the addictive relationship, learn to have a loving relationship with yourself. If you don't do your homework, you won't be ready for the test. And the relationship is the final test of the ability to love yourself. If you throw yourself into the water before you know how to swim, you will probably drown.

If you get involved in a relationship, before you are taught to love yourself, your hidden demons and those of your partner will come to the surface and destroy the trust between you.

So do your homework first !!

Get to know the demons in your conscience.

Learn to deal with these doubts and fears with compassion. And then, give the relationship test.

Remembering being in a relationship is a choice.

You don't have to get into a serious relationship right now. If you feel unprepared. Maybe you're not ready. If that's the case, that's fine. It takes strength and courage to know when you are ready and to tell others the truth.

You never have a problem telling the truth about what you think and feel. If others don't like what they hear, then they will leave. And if they leave, it means they weren't right for you anyway. The truth always protects you from those who might deceive you. It scares them.

When you are honest with yourself and others you attract other people who can be honest with you.

Fourth, get to know the other person. You have learned to love and accept yourself and to overcome your doubts and fears in a gentle and compassionate manner.

So stop looking. Just love yourself, take care of yourself, do the things you love. Live your life and enjoy every moment, as if you will never have a partner.

Follow your passions and dreams. Take risks from time to time. Be open not only to potential partners, but to everyone. You must be prepared inside yourself. Sincerity is the cornerstone of any successful relationship.

And last but not least, negotiate the shape of the relationship. You can always change the shape of the relationship when it doesn't suit you. However, it is much better to make changes earlier in the relationship, when you can do so with as few misinterpretations and injuries as possible, than later, when changing the shape of the relationship could cause you both a lot of suffering and discomfort.

Once you have found the shape of the relationship that suits you, you are ready to think about making a conscious commitment to that relationship. Here begins our discussion of the seven spiritual laws of the relationship.

 In part II I will talk more briefly about the 7 spiritual laws of the relationship

The first spiritual law: Commitment. A spiritual relationship requires the commitment of both people.

The second spiritual law: Communion. A spiritual relationship needs a regular sharing between the two partners.

The third spiritual law: Development. In a spiritual relationship, both people must be free to grow and express themselves as individuals.

The fourth spiritual law: Communication. The spiritual relationship constantly needs sincere and blameless communication.

The fifth spiritual law: Mirroring. What we don't like about our partner reflects what we don't like and we can't accept about ourselves.

Sixth Spiritual Law: Taking Responsibility. In the spiritual relationship, each partner assumes responsibility for their own thoughts, feelings, and experiences.

The seventh spiritual law: Forgiveness. In a spiritual relationship, forgiving ourselves and our partner is not a permanent practice.

My question is do we follow the seven spiritual laws in a relationship with someone or not? In my opinion, we do not fully follow the seven laws. Hence the problem of many divorces, misunderstandings in the couple, lack of respect and much more. Now it depends on us whether we change or stay at the level where we grew up. I took over many prejudices, stereotypes and preconceptions about how a relationship should be.

The last part of the book is to change the shape of the relationship. Here I will not go into details that I will specify what the last part of the book contains. First of all, the transformation, then the detachment, the re-commitment to love.

It is worth reading for couples who are at the beginning of the relationship and at the end of the relationship.




                                                               Written by Bogus Elena

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