31 mai 2021

Book Review : The 5 love Languages " The Secret to Love That Lasts" by Garry Chapman

 I recently read a very interesting book that I want to recommend to everyone to read. It is a book that everyone can understand, you can read it very easily and interestingly, it will make you think when you read it.
When I read this book I realized that without understanding it in the depth of the 5 languages ​​of love it is very important to love yourself, to respect yourself and to understand the needs of the other.
Do you wonder what the 5 languages ​​of love have to do with self-love, respect and understanding each other's needs? It has a lot in common, that everything comes from you from your soul and heart.
This book made me understand that some problems in our relationships are communication, the language we speak, to be on the same wavelength, to respect the needs of others, to give smiles and why not beautiful gifts to your partner, to respect his feelings and the emotions he has.
I will not say more, I leave you to discover for yourself to enjoy the messages and guidelines that the author shares through this book.
Between busy schedules and long days, the expression of love can fall by the wayside. We forget to compliment, to give gifts "just because", to stay in our embrace. Things that say "I love you" don't seem to be said or passed. This is a book about saying it and hearing it clearly. No tricks. Not psychoanalytic. Just learn to express love in your husband's language.
With over 12 million copies, The 5 Love Languages ​​has transformed countless relationships. His ideas are simple and conveyed with clarity and humor, making this book as practical as it is sympathetic. You will be inspired by real life stories and encouraged by his common sense approach. Reading this book feels like taking a walk with a wise friend. Applying it will change your relationship forever starting today.
Marriage should be based on love, rights. But does it seems as though you and your spouse are speaking two different language is bestselling author Dr. Gary  Chapman is guides couples in identifying, understanding  and speaking their spouse's primary language quality time, words of affirmation, gifts, acts of service or physical touch.
By learning the five love languages, you and yours spouse will discover your unique love languages and learn practical steps in truly loving each other.
Chapters are categorized by love language for easy reference, and each one ends with simple steps to express a specific language to your spouse and guide your marriage in the right direction. A newly designed love languages assessment will help you understand and strengthen your relationship. You can build a lasting, loving marriage together.
 The books author, a relationship counselor, has educational background that includes anthropology, religious education, and philosophy. The purpose of the book is to help people show to their spouse in ways that it will be received. It's based on the premise that, just as there are different verbal languages throughout the world, there are also different " love languages", and if we are not speaking the same one as our spouse they are likely not hearing our messages of love, nor are we receiving theirs.
 The Five Love Languages relatively short, and provides examples and exercises that may be useful to readers. the book highlights that the actions we may take show our love to our partner are not necessarily received as indented, reminding the reader that people experience the world differently. This can be an important concept when trying to understand our partners needs and feelings.

                                                   Written by Elena Bogus

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