I started writing this article at the request of a good friend of mine, she wanted to know how weddings are done in Oman and if they look like our weddings.
Every article I write and publish on my blog will be written in subchapters. And the first chapter I will give a short presentation on marriage and divorce in Islam.
Now I want to start talking about the most important chapter that a wedding can not take place until the two sign the contract and here I will tell the conditions in case they divorce both young people before getting engaged and having a wedding.
Before I got married in Oman, I was curious about how the wedding, the wedding, and how it goes among the locals.
In the Sultanate of Oman, they have the most beautiful customs, but one of them, which any Omani family respects, is the wedding. To get to the wedding and the traditions in Oman, I will talk about marriage and all the formalities as it takes place in a Muslim country.
Oman is a Muslim country, with locals who respect the Qur'an and Islam.
Marriage in Islam is noble and generally necessary because it brings peace, procreation and the continuation of life with purity and responsibility. Marriage is an act of worship; it provides a legitimate relationship between a man and a woman, and most importantly, it provides a means for the fulfillment of the Divine purpose of mankind as viceroys of the Divinity through human making and relationships.
In Islam, marriage is one of the strongest relationships that religion emphasizes, encourages, and considers to be one of the Prophets' practices.
Islam attaches great importance to the requirements of marriage, the manners and rights of wives, so that marital stability and its perpetuation are guaranteed and a successful family is created, in which children can be raised in a stable psychological environment, in order to respect piety and moral integrity, promoting excellence in various aspects of life.

To do "Nikah" means to get married, and "talaq" means to divorce or dissolve the marriage.
Marriage to more than one woman at the same time polygamy is an old practice in human history and is permitted by Islamic law.
If the first wife was chronically ill or barren, then the man was allowed to marry another woman.
Do women live in the same house if the marriage is polygamous? In many cases, if the husband has many wives, they live in their homes, purchased by the husband. But it depends on each couple how they understand each other. Women live apart from each other with their children. In order not to provoke quarrels between them, because of each one has the right to be the mistress of the house and its household.
With the advent of Islam, Islamic law has tolerated polygamy, but a man can only have the right to four wives, and he must follow certain rules for such marriages.
Justice, in this context, applies to material things, such as expenses, equal distribution of wealth, gifts, leisure, house, car, money, traveling together. To be just and equal with all his wives. Give her attention, love, respect, and understanding and especially the intimate part. Let it be equal.
Regarding emotional problems, such as love or inclination of the heart towards one of the spouses to the detriment of the other, it is recognized that the man cannot control the heart or emotional feelings, because they are involuntary.
Adultery, cohabitation, and extramarital affairs are all forbidden in Islam, and the Prophet Muhammad took every measure to protect society from these social diseases, which, if widespread, would only harm and destroy individuals, families, and basic obligations. which hold society together as a whole.
Islam is the religion that reflects human nature. Generally speaking, the marriage of a woman with more than one man is a rare occurrence in the world and has hardly ever been promoted. Therefore, it can be assumed that it is not in accordance with the nature of a woman to be married to more than one man at a time. So it is not surprising that Islam is against it. An important factor is that man is obliged to support his children. If there was more than one husband, the paternity of any child could be questioned.
This would either lead to quarrels over children or avoid liability. Clearly, it would not be practical for more men to be common heads of households. Traditionally, in the case of the structure of matriarchal power, experience in pre-Islamic times has led to a disciplinary statement in society.
According to Sharee’ah, the marriage is made by the contract between the two spouses, with the consent of the woman's guardian and in the presence of two witnesses. Such a contract is complete even if there is no holiday or celebration.
To be Continued!!
To be Continued!!
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