30 noiembrie 2020

Black and White magic of Bahla

Once day, I went in Bahla with my family. And  I didn’t know  anything  about that place. For me, It was new place, new story, new people. But I hear  from one of my friend  real story about Bahla. There is a lot of place in Oman, but in Bahla is most popular place of witchcraft, jinn and others things.

Many people know about that place but they keep secret for them are taboo what happen there. But for me is interesting  such place to discover them, to know them,  but you need to be carefully. If you are strong in your faith nothing will happening with you.

From that day, I went many times with my family but I forgot about the stories about jinni and about black and white magical. Now, I read and I listen a lot of stories about them and I want to share with you.

I don’t know to believe or not believe in this stories. But if you want to know about Jinn and witchcraft, the best Surah is  in the Qur'an to protect you. In the Qur'an, he explains a lot about these things. It is a whole Surah Jinn that tells the whole story about their existence. They are Jinn, good spirits and evil spirits, who live next to us humans.

Before to talk about this, I want to talk about real experience in Bahla, Oman. For those wanting to experience the real Oman, Bahla, is the place to be. Traditional in every aspect, Bahla and its lush environs  have many tales to tell. The Bahla town, famous for its ancient for and its pottery, is 40km away from Nizwa. The old Bahla Fort with its 12 km wall is the oldest fort in Oman. The fort is believed to have been  built in pre-Islamic times and is now undergoing reconstruction sponsored by UNESCO and the site is included  on UNESCO’s list of World Heritage sites.

Bahla is almost triangular in shape and is surrounded by rocky outcrops and trench like gullies.

The Wilayat of Bahla’s old souq, which has retained  its original character, is still a busy market today and sells Omani products as well as imported goods. The  tree in the middle of the souq is hundreds of years old.

A short distance beyond Bahla lies the imposing Castle of Jabreen. This massive three storied castle was built during Al Yaruba dynasty in the mid 1600’s. It is fine example of Islamic architecture with beautiful  wooden  inscriptions and paintings on the ceilings.

The pride distance  beyond Bahla is occupied by the potters and their exceptional art. Pottery is famous  throughout  Oman,  and is in great demand from  tourists . Intricate designs, some of which have been  passed  on though  the generations and have local  significance, are  etched  on to the necks and bodies of these  pots.

Bahla  is one of the oldest towns in the Sultanate. Archeologists working on an excavation programme in Bisya an al  Ghubrah  discovered  sites dating from the third millennium  BC,  while an old falaj found at al Ghubrah –in Wadi Bahla is also believed to date from the third millennium BC.

The Wilayat of Bahla borders on the wilayats of Nizwa to the east, Ibri  to the west, Adam  to the south and al Hamra to the north.

With a population of 51,278 and, variety  of natural features including  wadis, springs and mountains, its villages  include  Bilad Sait, al Ghafat, Bisya, Seefam,  al Habbi, al  Mamur and numerous others. The best  known of its  wadis are Wadi  Quriyat, Wadi A’la, Wadi  Al Nakhr, Wadi Al Shar’ and Wadi Bahla, and its springs include Wadhadhah,  al Huwaidhar and Ain Seefam.

The mountain  of Jabal al Kawr with its shrubs and fruit trees is one of the wilayat’s most  distinctive mountains and lies on the border between the Dakhiliyah and Dhahirah regions. From a distance  it looks  like a huge dome. There are several villages, caves, wadis and springs on its slopes including the villages of  Sint, Ma’wal, Sant and al Rahbah.

It is an attractive area for tourists because of its gentle climate,  clear air and fragrant trees, and  visitors can enjoy the opportunity  to marvel  at its amazing rock formations, particularly along the course of Wadi al Naht.

In second part I will tell you about the magic’s story white and black, jinn and witchcraft. In first part, I talked about history of Bahla, because it has some connection between each other.

     Write by Bogus Elena

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