15 decembrie 2020

Black and white magic of Bahla -Part II

In second part I will tell you about the magic’s story white and black, jinn and witchcraft.

Before to tell about stories about black and white magic and Jinn, I will tell you from perspective reality of Jinn according to the Quran and Hadith and Muslims Belief in the existence of Jinn and black magic. The literal meaning of jinn is to hide and conceal. The word jinn came from the word janna which means to hide in Arabic.

Jinn and angels are the supernatural creatures of Almighty Allah. Unlike human, jinn are the invisible beings, and human have such power to see them, they are invisible to naked human eye. In the Quran, Allah says about the existence of jinn in various instances.

Jinn are also asked to worship Allah as Humans do. Their purpose of life is not very different from the humans as they are ordered by Allah to do the same good deeds as humans do and they  are supposed to obey and worship and only  God “ Allah”. Like in humans there are two broader categories, Muslims and Non-Muslims, similarly in jinn there are same two main divisions( the Muslims and Non-Muslims).

The lives of jinn are very to the similar to the humans, they eat, they drink, they marry, they have their children, and even they are instructed and guided the same way as humans.

The jinn live in the parallel world to the humans and since they live in the different dimension the flow of the time there is different too. Hence, the life span of jinn is far longer than the humans, they are said to live  in around 1000 to 1500 years.

A Jinn has the power to travel large distance at extreme speeds and the thought to live in remote areas, mountains, seas,  trees and the air,  and in abandoned houses, in their own communities.

After When I was talking about jinn and their history. I would like to talk about if Muslim believe in Jinn and witchcraft? Yes, they believe in existence of Jinn, because is mentioned in Quran.  They are usually invisible  to humans and the latter don't appear clearly to them. This belief in the existence of jinn is because Allah has talked about this unseen creature in the divine book Quran. Many Muslims believe that jinn exist whereas the Non-Muslims have lees belief in their existence, because most of the Muslims read the sacred scripture sent by Allah and the scripture ( Quran) consists of all the true realities of this world.

I read somewhere, I don't remember where but I read they can take different forms: from animals to human beings.

The survey also found that now more Muslims have started believing in the witchcraft or black magic because there are references in the Quran and Hadith which tell us that this act( black magic) was present at the time of Prophet Muhammad(P.B.U.H) too.

But Islam strongly condemns black magic. However, if jinn decide to play tricks with humans, it is not really black magic  it is jus jinn misbehavior.

While their nature is controversial, no one can deny the numerous accounts of experiences with jinn concentrated in and around Nizwa. Locals will tell stories of furniture and household items inexplicably shifted or meticulously placed in eerie designs. The stories get even more fantastical, including flying mosques and witches who make village girls disappear.

Hence, if being a Muslim we believe in magic and the existence of supernatural beings then we must be very careful and take the precautions. For not being the victim of such evils we need to worship the Almighty Allah,  We should supplicate  to Allah, pray fives times, fasting, reading Quran and make Dua, and most importantly we need to follow the teachings of Quran and Sunnah.

Many people said in Bahla is not a center of jinn.  But, one Omani woman relayed a story to me about a male witch in her family famous for using jinn to bring cherries from Iran, and she casually added, for conducting human sacrifice.

In fact, a recent story of a small Omani girl with recurring fits and mysterious fire episode in her home cast a spell on us and we decided to meet her and her family. We realized why Bahla is still thought to be a center of jinn and with black magic and alchemy. Fortunately, we did not come across any who practiced this. Instead, we met up with a traditional healer who also helped heal a small girl from  the so called clutches of a jinn.

Actually this story is about Omani's girl. I don't know her name exactly and where she is from?! But, I know she was living into the modest home, and a septuagenarian, whose granddaughter was reportedly under a jinn's influence and had frequent episodes of fits and blacking out.

Her name's Huda, has 12 year old, who was at the center of this current jinn story, didn't even show any traces of her recent trauma, and was giggling along with her young cousin brothers, as her grandfather and her uncle detailed their recent their home and also partially burnt the house.

It was start 10 years ago. Approximately in June 2010. Sunny day and beautiful day. Huda is a physically active an energetic little 12 year old. She has never had any major health problems. But, on this day she just passed out. She go into an episode of fits and she blacked out. This is first time ever that she has fallen sick.

Maybe she was weak or ill, we thought and soon forgot about it as she quickly recovered from that episode.

But, in the next four days, Huda continued to have recurring fits and blackouts. That was the time when we began to panic. We really didn't know what to do as we did not have  any prior experience in fronting such an illness, then, someone advised us to take Huda to a Moalim traditional healer for a reading. 

We are also more comfortable meeting with a traditional healer than approaching a modern clinic.

So, the Moalim read for Huda from a bowl of water and a bowl of salt  water and advised her to drink the water and bathe in the salt water for next two days. She soon became okay . But, I guess that was not the end of her problems. It was just the beginning.

Huda returned from a Holy Quran reading in the evening and was just setting down when stones came hurtling into our yard. Some smashed through the windows and landed in our sitting room. We took this is our stride thinking it was someone's real bad idea of a prank  and let it be. But, then it became a regular phenomenon.

The stones were hurled in only after 6 pm. So, I spoke to all my neighbors and all of them decided to keep a whole night vigil. But, none of them could find out the source of the stone.

they just seemed to be thrown from anywhere and nowhere. Every morning the front  yard of our compound would be filled with big-sized rocks and stones. We religiously picked up all the stones and kept them away. But, no one in the household was hurt in this process.

Are you afraid? No, not at all really. We were a bit confused because we were not sure what was happening. Were they the handwork of jinns? We don't know. At the time, the continuous stoning, totally occupied our minds.

The stoning continued for 10 long days.

But, during this period, Huda was perfectly okay. She did not have any fits or blackouts! And then, on this day, around 10 a.m. a fire broke out one of the two date palm leaves thatched sheds in our yard. It gutted out and we had no clue as to how and why?!

Then after sometimes, the roof of our buildings got fire. Later by 3 p.m., Huda was dozing off when suddenly the room next to where she was sleeping  suddenly got fire.

Within minutes, stones again hurtled in thorough the windows, breaking the glasses. Huda was unaware of all the havoc at home and peacefully sleeping in the adjacent room; while all of us managed to somehow put out the fire. By this time, the bed, carpets and the AC were totally burnt.

The second shed caught fire today. The stones were still being regularly hurled at our home. We, and several other neighbors, kept a proper vigil, but, we could not find anyone.

Now, these constant stone throwing episodes and the fire break outs had taken a real toll on us.

We were quite disturbed. So, we shifted to one take a real toll on us. So, we shifted to one of my son's home, which is slightly away from this place.

But, Huda's fits and black outs continued and we had co choice but to take her to Bahla hospital. The doctors there checked her properly and declared her to be perfectly normal. By this time all our relatives and village elders advised us to take her for a holy reading once again and we we approached wise elders and sheikhs in and around our village. They give us amulets and spiritual reading material.

Another day, so we decided to really to pray to the Almighty to help us in this issue. From June 23 evening, all our family members sat down together and read prayers throughout the night, for a two day period. By 24th evening, both, the stoning and the random fire break outs stopped. By God's grace, we are through with this ordeal. Finally we are at peace. Huda had no more blackouts or fits and she has been having peaceful nights since then.

Moalim has been living in the same house for the last 70 years, but has never ever experienced anything like this. " Of course, I have grown up with this stories of jinn and black magic. But, this is my first experience. We all, to a little extent, believe jinns exist but we don't believe in black magic. We believe in Almighty Allah and we believe in the Holy Quran where there is a mention of jinns. It is believed that they are created for a purpose and so they exist. But I don't know as to what purpose.

Stories about jinns abound in Bahla. Even something happens again, we will seek the help of a Moalim. And God is always there.

And another story about a woman who has possessed by lady jinn. I don't know her name and from where is she?! But this is real story about her.

Healer spiritual man from Bahla: - " What are you doing inside her?"

Jinn: - " I am living in this body!"

Healer : -" Why?"

Jinn: - " I want henne... I want gold...and I want precious stones".

Healer: -" But, why trouble this women... Why are you doing this to her."

Jinn: - " I want more and if she ( the body she had got into) does not give me more gold, I will make her sick  - very sick!"

Healer - " You will do nothing of that sort. You will leave. I will make you leave!! By God's will, I will make you leave this body!!"

This is one of the story make me scared and make me understand about how vulnerable we are in this life. And, We need to be strong in our faith to be protect from evil and black magic. The above is Moalim( healer/spiritual man) made conversation with famale jinn/jinni( a spirit) that had apparently got inside a lady. Moalim was giving black and white a hint of what he normally faces while dealing with the people who claim to be possessed by jinns and the like when gave us the above conversation exact. I don't know about this story more. But I heard I want to share with you. And I heard another story, about one men.

I heard another story about a man returning night from the Bahla area, going to Muscat. He was stopped by a man in a white dress. He took him in the car. It didn't seem strange to him that he was a normal man. But halfway he made his legs, it was not human feet but animal hooves, he got scared and kicked him out of the car. I don't know exactly the story that was also told me my friend. And from wat she told me about this story I am telling you also.

Moalim was consulted for Huda's case and he has helped cure her of her fits and also stopped the fire episodes in Masoud Shikely's home. However, he did not reveal what exactly transpired between him and the jinn in this case, but claimed that only was the girl cured of her illness, but the fire episodes have also now stopped. " Black magic can not win over white ( pure) magic", asserted Moalim, adding that he, with his knowledge and power, could break a black magic spell, while a black magician would not be able to break the white magic spell.

Origin of witchcraft in Bahla. Reports note that some 1400 years ago, one of the earliest practitioners of witchcraft was killed by the villagers for practicing wizardry. A fort was built on his grave to prevent his followers from turning it into a shrine. It was after this that his spirit began to appear in the town and it was reported later that he was teaching the craft to youngsters.

Now I would like to talk about wizards, mediums and spiritual healers. Some have the gift of seeing, others do not have this gift, they learn it from witchcraft books. Among them are real charlatans who fool people and do nothing to help.

There is people who don’t believe in black magic but, then they have to believe what they saw. Of course they can’t explain it, or even make any sense out of it, but it happened.

 Magic and mystery still surrounds this ancient walled town, which is about  30 km west of Nizwa, the road to Ibri. Bahla is also home to another type of "magical" creations pottery. The Omani  Bahla potters are known  to have magic in their fingers and their creation adorn many a home both in Oman and abroad. But, a mysterious  aura surrounds the walled city because many still believe that magic is still practiced in Bahla. 

Many people from Muscat displayed an element of superstition and declined to talk much about Bahla. Some of the far- fetched stories include people being bewitched and turned into animals and then enslaved.

There are so many tales about the magic of Bahla. Some say, never stand bellow one particular tree in the village of Bahla. It would steal  your soul and sell it, even before you know it, some people from Bahla would say.

It was not soul talk, jut fear of magic. The older generation would smile, while the younger generation would raise a curious eyebrow...

Bahla was the capital of Oman between  the 12th and the early  17th century. But, Bahla's rise to prominence was not because of this it is magical town full of legends and stories about genies( jinns) and ghost that are said  to live the trees!

There is a mysterious and magical air about Bahla and with so many undisputed tales of magical happenings surrounding it, the legend continues unabated.

There are many who don't like to visit Bahla in the evenings and some display fear in even entering Bahla town.

Other than the mysterious air in which Bahla is shrouded in, it is also home to fine Omani pottery, which is a major attraction. It is also home to the Bahla fort, the oldest one in Oman. Other attractions make it an attractive touristic destination, but it is only when we talk of the magic in Bahla that everyone's ears perk up.

My advise don't go to any medium, witchcraft and don't use black magic. Better to read Holy Quran, pray and fasting, this will help you for protection, from bad eye and black magic, evil. Allah bless you and your family!!

                                            Written by Bogus Elena

6 decembrie 2020

Magia Albă și Neagră a Bahlei

Într-o zi, am fost în Bahla cu familia mea. Și nu știam nimic despre acel loc. Pentru mine, a fost un loc nou, o poveste nouă, oameni noi. Dar am auzit de la prietenii mei o poveste reală despre Bahla. Există o mulțime de locuri în Oman, unde se practică magia alba și magia neagră, dar în Bahla este cel mai popular loc unde se întâlnește cel mai des vrăjitoria,  istoria cu jiini și alte lucruri de genul astă.

Mulți oameni știu despre acel loc, dar păstrează secretul pentru ei, fiind tabu ce se întâmplă acolo. Dar pentru mine este interesant un astfel de locuri pentru a le descoperi, și pentru a le cunoaște istoria lor, dar trebuie să fii atent și precaut. Dacă ești puternic în credința ta, nimic nu se va întâmpla cu tine.

Din aceea zi, am mers de multe ori cu familia mea, dar am uitat de poveștile despre jinni și despre magia albă și negră. Am citit și am ascultat o mulțime de povești despre ele și vreau să le împărtășesc.

Nu știu să cred sau să nu cred în aceste povești. Dar dacă doriți să aflați despre Jinn și vrăjitorie, cea mai bună Sura este în Coran pentru a vă proteja. În Coran, se  explică multe despre aceste lucruri. Este un întreg Surah Jinn care spune întreaga poveste despre existența lor. Sunt Jinn, spirite bune și spirite rele, care trăiesc lângă noi oamenii.

Înainte de a vorbi despre acest lucru, vreau să vorbesc despre experiența reală din Bahla, Oman. Pentru cei care doresc să experimenteze adevăratul Oman, Bahla, este locul unde se află, tradiționalul în toate aspectele lui. Bahla și împrejurimile sale luxuriante au multe povești de spus. Orașul Bahla, renumit pentru vechiul său și ceramică, se află la 40 km de Nizwa. Vechiul Fort Bahla cu zidul său de 12 km este cel mai vechi fort din Oman. Se crede că fortul a fost construit în perioada pre-islamică și este în prezent în reconstrucție sponsorizat de UNESCO, iar site-ul este inclus pe lista UNESCO a siturilor Patrimoniului Mondial.

Bahla are o formă aproape triunghiulară și este înconjurat de aflorimente stâncoase și de șanțuri ca niște zăbrele.

Vechiul souq Wilayat din Bahla, care și-a păstrat caracterul original, este încă astăzi o piață aglomerată și vinde produse omânești, precum și bunuri importate. Arborele din mijlocul souqului are o vechime de sute de ani.

La mică distanță dincolo de Bahla se află impunătorul Castel din Jabreen. Acest castel masiv cu trei etaje a fost construit în timpul dinastiei Al Yaruba la mijlocul anilor 1600. Este un bun exemplu de arhitectură islamică, cu frumoase inscripții din lemn și picturi pe tavan.

Distanța mândriei dincolo de Bahla este ocupată de olari și de arta lor excepțională. Ceramica este renumită în întregul Oman și este foarte solicitată de turiști. Desene complexe, dintre care unele au fost transmise de-a lungul generațiilor și au o semnificație locală, sunt gravate pe gâturile și corpurile acestor oale.

Bahla este unul dintre cele mai vechi orașe din Sultanat. Arheologii care lucrează la un program de săpături în Bisya un al Ghubrah au descoperit situri care datează din mileniul III î.Hr., în timp ce un vechi falaj găsit la al Ghubrah - în Wadi Bahla se crede că datează și din mileniul III î.Hr.

Wilayat din Bahla se învecinează cu wilayats din Nizwa la est, Ibri la vest, Adam la sud și al Hamra la nord.

Cu o populație de 51.278 și o varietate de caracteristici naturale, inclusiv wadi, izvoare și munți, satele sale includ Bilad Sait, al Ghafat, Bisya, Seefam, al Habbi, al Mamur și numeroase altele. Cele mai cunoscute dintre  sunt Wadi Quriyat, Wadi A’la, Wadi Al Nakhr, Wadi Al Shar ’și Wadi Bahla, iar izvoarele sale includ Wadhadhah, al Huwaidhar și Ain Seefam.

Muntele lui Jabal al Kawr, cu arbuști și pomi fructiferi, este unul dintre cei mai distinctivi munți ai wilayat și se află la granița dintre regiunile Dakhiliyah și Dhahirah. De la distanță arată ca o cupolă uriașă. Există mai multe sate, peșteri, wadi și izvoare pe versanții săi, inclusiv satele Sint, Ma’wal, Sant și al Rahbah.

Este o zonă atractivă pentru turiști datorită climatului său blând, a aerului limpede și a copacilor parfumați, iar vizitatorii se pot bucura de ocazia de a se minuna de formațiunile sale stâncoase uimitoare, în special de-a lungul cursului Wadi al Naht.

În a doua parte, vă voi povesti despre jinn și vrăjitorie, magia albă și neagră, sunt cele mai lucruri misterioase ce se întâmplă în Oman.

                             Scrisă de Bogus Elena

30 noiembrie 2020

Black and White magic of Bahla

Once day, I went in Bahla with my family. And  I didn’t know  anything  about that place. For me, It was new place, new story, new people. But I hear  from one of my friend  real story about Bahla. There is a lot of place in Oman, but in Bahla is most popular place of witchcraft, jinn and others things.

Many people know about that place but they keep secret for them are taboo what happen there. But for me is interesting  such place to discover them, to know them,  but you need to be carefully. If you are strong in your faith nothing will happening with you.

From that day, I went many times with my family but I forgot about the stories about jinni and about black and white magical. Now, I read and I listen a lot of stories about them and I want to share with you.

I don’t know to believe or not believe in this stories. But if you want to know about Jinn and witchcraft, the best Surah is  in the Qur'an to protect you. In the Qur'an, he explains a lot about these things. It is a whole Surah Jinn that tells the whole story about their existence. They are Jinn, good spirits and evil spirits, who live next to us humans.

Before to talk about this, I want to talk about real experience in Bahla, Oman. For those wanting to experience the real Oman, Bahla, is the place to be. Traditional in every aspect, Bahla and its lush environs  have many tales to tell. The Bahla town, famous for its ancient for and its pottery, is 40km away from Nizwa. The old Bahla Fort with its 12 km wall is the oldest fort in Oman. The fort is believed to have been  built in pre-Islamic times and is now undergoing reconstruction sponsored by UNESCO and the site is included  on UNESCO’s list of World Heritage sites.

Bahla is almost triangular in shape and is surrounded by rocky outcrops and trench like gullies.

The Wilayat of Bahla’s old souq, which has retained  its original character, is still a busy market today and sells Omani products as well as imported goods. The  tree in the middle of the souq is hundreds of years old.

A short distance beyond Bahla lies the imposing Castle of Jabreen. This massive three storied castle was built during Al Yaruba dynasty in the mid 1600’s. It is fine example of Islamic architecture with beautiful  wooden  inscriptions and paintings on the ceilings.

The pride distance  beyond Bahla is occupied by the potters and their exceptional art. Pottery is famous  throughout  Oman,  and is in great demand from  tourists . Intricate designs, some of which have been  passed  on though  the generations and have local  significance, are  etched  on to the necks and bodies of these  pots.

Bahla  is one of the oldest towns in the Sultanate. Archeologists working on an excavation programme in Bisya an al  Ghubrah  discovered  sites dating from the third millennium  BC,  while an old falaj found at al Ghubrah –in Wadi Bahla is also believed to date from the third millennium BC.

The Wilayat of Bahla borders on the wilayats of Nizwa to the east, Ibri  to the west, Adam  to the south and al Hamra to the north.

With a population of 51,278 and, variety  of natural features including  wadis, springs and mountains, its villages  include  Bilad Sait, al Ghafat, Bisya, Seefam,  al Habbi, al  Mamur and numerous others. The best  known of its  wadis are Wadi  Quriyat, Wadi A’la, Wadi  Al Nakhr, Wadi Al Shar’ and Wadi Bahla, and its springs include Wadhadhah,  al Huwaidhar and Ain Seefam.

The mountain  of Jabal al Kawr with its shrubs and fruit trees is one of the wilayat’s most  distinctive mountains and lies on the border between the Dakhiliyah and Dhahirah regions. From a distance  it looks  like a huge dome. There are several villages, caves, wadis and springs on its slopes including the villages of  Sint, Ma’wal, Sant and al Rahbah.

It is an attractive area for tourists because of its gentle climate,  clear air and fragrant trees, and  visitors can enjoy the opportunity  to marvel  at its amazing rock formations, particularly along the course of Wadi al Naht.

In second part I will tell you about the magic’s story white and black, jinn and witchcraft. In first part, I talked about history of Bahla, because it has some connection between each other.

     Write by Bogus Elena

15 noiembrie 2020

Doar un vis

Eram îmbrăcată într-o rochie elegantă de culoarea turcoazului, parcă mă pregăteam  să mă duc la o petrecere, un bal sau o nuntă. Se apropie de mine un bărbat înalt și frumos, îmbrăcat la costum și papion. Îmi zămbește foarte frumos își arată simpatia față de mine. Eu parcă sunt măritată.  Nui nimic măritatul poate să aștepte, gestul bărbatului mă face fericită. 

Întinde mână, și în mână avea o cutie cu un inel de aur. Îl scoate și mi-l pune pe deget.  Mâna mea era îmbrăcată cu o mănușă albă de catifea, iar pe degetele mele multe inele de aur și argint.  

După câteva secunde îmi aduce un coș mare de trandafirii roșii.  Un miros plăcut se lăsase în cameră. Mă simt în al noulea cer de fericire, nimeni până acum nu mi-a adus așa cadouri. Măcar în vis să fiu fericită și iubită de cineva.

Te trezești cu o stare bună de despoziție. Nu lași pe nimeni să strice euforia de dimineață.

                                                                       Scris de Bogus Elena


 Irina: Where am I? What's here? What's wrong with me here? Why is it still white? Why are the windows behind bars? What am I doing here? How did I get here? Why am I tied to the bed? Let me go? Listen, let me go !? Don't keep me tied up! Why are you keeping me tied up? I'm suffocating! I don't like where I am? Hey can you hear me? Where am I? Hey, those behind the door, can you hear me? What am I doing here? I do not understand?! Like I had a family ?! What happened to her ?! What a soft bed. Shake me as much as I can, because after that, who knows, where will these beasts take me?

My hands and feet hurt from these straps. I can not move. Oh, how soft the bed is, and I can jump on it!

Piss on me, let me go ?! Can anyone hear me ?!

Title: At the door of the room, two men enter in white, untangling her hands and feet. She pushes them. The two force her not to hurt herself and to escape.

Irina: Let me go! Can you hear me? I'm not crazy. I have a husband and a child at home waiting for me. I have to go to work. The boss has to fire me.

Title: The two take her to another room. They are cold, indifferent to her. He left her in the dark, white room, with bars on the window, a bed, a table, and a chair. He locks her in the room and leaves.

Irina gets on the bed, jumps on him, and shouts.

Irina: Huţa-Huţa, Mami Huţa! How good, I swing ?! Tra-la-la-la. I am not afraid of anyone, not of them, not of demons, not of angels.

Title: Irina stops.

Irina: Open my door !! Let me go, I'm not crazy. I want out, I have a husband and a baby.

Man's voice: Hey Irina wake up, it was a nightmare, a nightmare. Lineşteşte you !! Calm down my dear !!

Irina: Where am I?

Male voice: In our bed at home.

Irina: Where's the baby?

Male Voice: Sleeping in his crib.


 Irina : Unde sunt? Ce-i aici? Ce-i cu mine aici? De ce tot e alb? De ce geamurile sunt în gratii? Ce caut aici? Cum am ajuns aici? De ce sunt legată de pat? Daţi-mi drumul ? Auzi-ţi, daţi-mi drumul!? Nu mă ţineţi legată! De ce mă ţineţi legată? Mă sufoc! Nu-mi place, unde sunt? Hei mă auziţi careva? Unde mă aflu? Hei, cei după uşă, careva mă auziţi ? Ce caut aici? Nu înţeleg?! Parcă aveam familie?! Ce s-a întâmplat cu ea?! Vai ce pat moale. Să mă legăn cât pot, că după aia, cine ştie,  unde mă vor duce, dobitocii aştia?

Mă dor mâinile şi picioarele de la curelele astea. Nu mă pot mişca. Vai ce e moale patul şi pot să sar pe el !

Mă piş pe mine, daţi-mi drumul?! Mă auziţi careva ?!

Didascalie : Pe uşa camerei, intră doi bărbaţi în alb, o dezleagă de mâini şi de picioare. Ea îi împinge. Cei doi o ţin cu forţă să nu-şi facă rău şi să scape.

Irina: Daţi-mi drumul!  Mă auziţi? Nu sunt nebună. Am un soţ şi un copil acasă, care mă aşteaptă. Trebuie să mă duc la muncă. Şeful are să mă dea afară.

Didascalie : Cei doi o duc în altă cameră. Sunt reci, indiferenţi de ea. O lasa în camera albă şi obscură, cu gratii la geam, un pat, o masă şi un scaun. O încuie în cameră şi pleacă.

Irina se urcă pe pat, sare pe el, şi strigă.

Irina:  Huţa-Huţa, Mami Huţa! Ce bine, mă leagăn?! Tra-la-la-la. Nu mă tem de nimeni, nici de ei, nici de demoni, nici de îngeri.

Didascalie :  Irina se opreşte.

Irina : Deschideţi-mi uşa!! Daţi-mi  drumul, nu sunt nebună. Vreau afară, am un soţ şi copil.

Vocea Bărbatului : Hey Irina trezeşte-te, a fost un coşmar, un vis urât. Lineşteşte-te!! Lineşteşte-te draga mea!!

Irina: Unde mă aflu?

Vocea  bărbătească : În patul nostru de acasă.

Irina : Unde-i copilul?

Vocea Bărbatească : Doarme în pătuţul lui.


                               Monolog scris de Elena Bogus

P.S. Acest Monolog a fost scris in cadrul atelierului de dramaturgie.

9 noiembrie 2020

One autumn day!

 It was late autumn, when that serious accident happened to me. I left work and hurried to the trolley station. Mihaela caught up with me and shouted at me.

- Ioana, wait, I have something to tell you. Do you know that tomorrow you have to present the project given by last week's boss?

- I did not know!

- Tomorrow the boss comes to check on your project.

Will you be able to do it by tomorrow?

- What time should it be ready?

- You have to present it tomorrow at 12:00.

- Ok! I'll do my best to get it ready.

I'm going home to finish working on it.

- Good! Bye, see you tomorrow!

- Bye!!

 It was getting dark outside, I was thinking about the project. I had seen in the distance a trolley in which I was to get on, and I was really glad. I wanted to pick him up as soon as possible so I wouldn't have to wait at the station. I had no patience, I was nervous and tired, and besides, with a project on my head.

I reached the pedestrian crossing and started to cross the street resolutely, without paying attention to the traffic. Only halfway in front of me, a black car appeared at high speed. That's how I was hit by a BMW in the middle of the street. I don't think I felt much, because I disconnected on the spot like any technical device unplugged.

I woke up in the hospital. Surrounded by doctors who consulted me. I couldn't feel my body, and that worried me. I began to shake, rolling my eyes like a bird in a cage. I didn't understand what was wrong with me, my legs weren't moving, I thought then that I would stay in a wheelchair for the rest of my life.

I didn't know where I got that strength to be able to shake my whole body. The doctors were holding me tight so they could see me.

I saw my clothes torn and full of blood. That made me more anxious. I didn't understand what was happening to me at the time. I didn't remember at all. What I was looking for there and where I was.

I told myself it was serious, I didn't feel my body at all. Everything was numb. I was in constant anxiety. I was trying to figure out what the doctors were saying, but I didn't understand what I was hearing, I could only see the lights above, and I understood that I was walking down a long hospital corridor, and my body was shaking in places as I crossed the threshold.

That day, I was taken to all sorts of control defenses, a dozen procedures and consultations. After a thorough investigation, they took me to my living room, injected me with a sedative. I tried to hold on, but the sedatives I received automatically closed my eyelids. I was not told anything that day, what I have and what my condition is. I fell asleep immediately.

When I woke up, my mother was sitting next to my bed. It was the day after he was hospitalized.

I felt my body heavy and cloudy. Nothing hurt. It was as if everything was numb. I was trying to remember what happened to me. I couldn't remember anything, just snippets of moments I still couldn't put together.

I wanted to move my legs, but I couldn't do that either, only my hands could feel them and I could hardly move them.

After my attempts to feel my hands, my mother woke up. She was happy and glad I woke up. I was no longer in a critical condition, everything was better, at least that's what the doctors said because I felt bad anyway.

They had begun to ask me how I was feeling. Ask me if I remember what happened to me. If I remember the accident.

I replied that I felt bad, did not feel anything and did not remember the accident.

I had asked my mother what had happened to me and what my condition was. My mother was happy that I was alive, and she had reassured me. He did not answer my questions. The doctor had advised him to wait a few days, not to say anything, until I recovered.

In the first days after the accident, a man had come and I did not understand or imagine what a stranger was looking for in me. The man had apologized and told me that all material damage would be borne by Him. I didn't understand what he wanted from me. Who is this He who wanted to do me so much good?

After He left, I asked my mother who the individual was. My mother told me that boy was the man who injured me. He came to the hospital every day to inquire about my condition.

-Wait for You to forgive him. He feels guilty about you, my mother said.

"I forgave him a long time ago for what he did to you," my mother had told me. Poor man, he has common sense and humanity. Who nowadays to come to the hospital and apologize?

 I hated this man for what he did to me, he destroyed my life. I couldn't forgive him, at least not at that moment.

I told him in front of me that I would never forgive him for everything he had done to me. The poor man turned and left sadly.

I felt helpless and afraid that I would be crippled for life.

When one day a group of doctors personally confirmed my health, the sky fell on me. At that moment I wanted to die. And then who will marry a girl with health problems like mine?

From what I understood from the doctors, I had a concussion, with multiple injuries all over my body and a pelvic fracture.

But we'll get you on your feet quickly, said my doctor with a calm smile on his face that didn't convince me much. The man who injured me came to my house every day to see my condition and asked my mother how the treatment was going, he didn't have the courage to talk to me because he knew I hated him and I would never forgive him. At least I was convinced at the time.

As the wounds passed, my condition gradually healed, but my soul was still wounded. I didn't understand why this was happening to me. I was angry with God and those around me. They tried to be optimistic, to understand me, and I was constantly upset, nervous and sad.

One day, the doctor told me that I would be discharged from the hospital the next day, which seemed even more depressing to me, because I thought everyone would look at me with pity. No one cared about me, nor did my co-workers come to visit me or take an interest in my health. The friend I had left me. He didn't need a sick girl like me.

Only my parents and the man who destroyed my life passed me by.

 How can I be so bad with him and not forgive him? I thought to myself later when I was already used to his presence in our house. He is human and makes mistakes. We are all imperfect.

That's when I started to understand a lot of things, from that moment it made me change for the better. When Gabriel came out of the hospital, I found out from my mother that this was the name of the driver who injured me. He drove me to my parents' car. I was in a wheelchair. I hardly spoke at all.

He put me in the back seat and closed the door, then left. Then I opened the window glass and shouted at him.

"Come to us, I have something to tell you," I said, then raised the window.

Since then, Gabriel has been coming to us practically every day. We got very close to each other, my parents often invited us to dinner.

I can say that luck has come upon me, Gabriel has become a loving husband who takes care of me. I changed my life, my job, into a better one, with a higher salary, with a more responsible position and of course according to my physical ability.

We made real friends that we meet in the city to have fun. I fully recovered, and at the moment I walk without a wheelchair, without crutches, I walk on two legs like a normal person.

I have completely changed, I look different, my friends say I have become more beautiful and serene. But the most beautiful thing the Most High has given me is that I am pregnant and I will realize my dream of becoming a mother.

Thanks to fate for arranging that accident.

                                                    Write by Bogus Elena